
While publishing updates to the primary WSUS server it fails with error message: "Publish Failed".


You might get this error due to one of the following reasons:

  1. WSUS admin console is not compatible with the primary WSUS server
  2. Invalid SSL Certificate 
  3. Unable to reach WSUS Server 


  1. Verify if the version of WSUS console in the Patch Connect Plus installed machine and the version of primary WSUS server are the same.
  2. Verify if the SSL certificate is valid.
  3. Ensure that WSUS server is reachable from the computer where Patch Connect Plus is installed. You can verify this by using ping and telnet operations to reach the WSUS server's IP address and verify port reachability. 

In case if this problem continues, kindly Contact Support

Keywords: Third-party patch management, Publish Patches



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