Start and shutdown
Starting SharePoint Manager Plus
You can start SharePoint Manager Plus as,
- An application
- A Windows service
Starting SharePoint Manager Plus as an application
- By default, SharePoint Manager Plus will be installed and started as an application. Run the self-extracting exe and follow the instructions of the installation wizard.
- After the completion of installation, SharePoint Manager Plus starts and runs with the privileges of the user with which you are logged on the system.
Installing SharePoint Manager Plus as a Windows service
To install SharePoint Manager Plus as a Windows service, follow the steps below after installation:
- Go to Start → All Programs
- Select ManageEngine SharePoint Manager Plus
- Select NT Service
- Select Install SharePoint Manager Plus Service
When SharePoint Manager Plus is installed as service, the solution starts and runs with the privileges of system account
Note: Ensure that you have necessary privileges to run the product as a service. If you are installing the product in Vista Operating System, then ensure that 'useraccount control' is disabled. Enabling 'user account control' will allow only administrator to install the software
Starting SharePoint Manager Plus using a different logon user
To start SharePoint Manager Plus as a Windows service using a different logon user,

- First, stop SharePoint Manager Plus, if it is running.
- Then, open services.msc.
- Right click SharePoint Manager Plus and select Properties.
- In the Log On tab, select the This Account radio button and enter appropriate credentials.
- Finally, click OK to start the SharePoint Manager Plus service.
Note: If the product does not start as service, ensure that the newly logged in user has full control permissions to the SharePoint Manager Plus folder.