Active Directory Settings

You can configure your Active Directory (AD) domain in order to add AD users as help desk technicians and to authenticate users based on their AD credentials when they log in to the product.

To add AD users, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Delegation tab → Configuration → Logon Settings.
  2. Go to the Active Directory Settings tab and click Add New Domain.
  3. Active Directory Settings

  4. Provide the Domain name.
  5. Active Directory Settings

  6. Add Domain Controllers (DCs) by clicking beside the Add Domain Controllers field. This will automatically discover the available DCs. Select the required DC from the list of available choices discovered from the DNS.
  7. Note: If the auto-discovery of DCs fail, you will have to manually add the DC in the Add Domain Controllers field. You can add multiple DCs by separating them with a comma.

  8. Select the Authentication check box and enter the Domain User Name and Domain Password to authenticate. In the absence of authentication details, the product will perform an anonymous login.
  9. Click Add Domain.
  10. Active Directory Settings

To edit the configured domain:

To refresh the configured domain:

To delete the configured domain:

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