File Share Import

Import files from your file system / network drives to SharePoint or Office 365.

Map network drives for file sharing

Follow the below steps to map network drives to the product for importing files:

  1. Navigate to the Migration tab.
  2. Choose File Share Import → Map Network drive.
  3. File Share Import

  4. Click the Map Network Drive button from the Network Drives page to add a new drive.
  5. File Share Import

  6. Enter the desired drive name and the drive or folder path to be mapped in the Drive Name and Drive/Folder Path fields. If the drive is from a different domain or is secured, select the Authentication check box and enter the Username and Password of a user who has read and write access.
  7. File Share Import

  8. To unmap a network drive or to refresh the drive details, click the Delete or Refresh icons, respectively.
  9. File Share Import

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