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SharePoint site web analytics reports

The native SharePoint tool's built-in reports provide basic metrics like page views, unique visitors, and popular content. These are surface-level and lack deeper insights into user behaviour and site performance. Reports are also limited in customization options, making it difficult to filter down to your desired information.

SharePoint Manager Plus uses the raw web server activity, captured by Internet Information Services (IIS) logs, to generate exhaustive reports. These reports provide deeper insights, helping you understand traffic patterns and identify bottlenecks and latencies. These reports also display a visual analytics dashboard, helping you get an overall idea of the data. SharePoint Manager Plus offers the following site analytics reports for SharePoint Server 2019, 2016, 2013, and Subscription Edition.

Generate reports to track the following information:

Unique visitor reports

These reports list the number of users who have accessed a site at least once. Clicking on an event takes you to a more granular report that displays the number of visits for each user. This information helps you identify distinct individuals and understand the reach and popularity of your content.

A report generated on unique visitors using SharePoint Manager Plus

Most viewed pages report

This report lists the most viewed pages in your site collections, helping you understand the most popular content on your SharePoint sites and optimize your content.

A report generated on most viewed pages using SharePoint Manager Plus

User analytics report

View users who access your sites frequently. Get details on the accessed time, the protocol method used, HTTP status, and client IPs.

A report generated on user analytics using SharePoint Manager Plus

Failed Pages report

This report lists failed pages, omitting those with a 200 status code. Use this report to discover and fix those pages.

A report generated on failed pages using SharePoint Manager Plus

Broken Sites report

View sites that no longer work, have errors, or have been deleted. Use this information to take corrective action and restore functionality.

A report generated on broken sites using SharePoint Manager Plus

View pages that have been redirected with details on the accessed URL, referrer, and HTTP status. Use this report to identify broken redirects and streamline user experience.

A report generated on site redirections using SharePoint Manager Plus

IP address report

View the IP address of devices used to access your sites. Identify any suspicious activities like unauthorized access attempts and understand the geolocation of your audience.

A report generated on IP addresses using SharePoint Manager Plus

Benefits of using SharePoint Manager Plus analytics reports

  • Site optimization: Identify usage trends, activity, and navigation to streamline access over different SharePoint servers.
  • Actionable insights: Drill down into each event by clicking into more granular data. Use search and advanced filters to narrow your focus.
  • Customizable reports: Create custom reports with granular control and export them in different formats like PDF, CSV, XLS, and HTML.
  • Automation: Schedule reports to be generated at particular or regular intervals and have them delivered to the email addresses of your choice.

Get analytical insights on your organization with SharePoint Manager Plus

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