integrated application and network management
integrated network and application management
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Network Administrators always find themselves in tricky situations when finding the exact cause of user complaints. The number of contributing factors to any application slowness is well beyond that which can be contained in a manual/journal/whitepaper/best practices guide. But the unanimous thought on every network expert?s mind is the need for an integrated network and applications performance management tool. A tool which can tell you how long a database query took over two branches geographically distant, of this delay how much the inherent network latency contributed to, how much time the query took to process at the database end, how was the database CPU utilization at that point of time etc.

ManageEngine now brings together, over a single User Interface, the power of two products the OpManager and the Applications Manager using a simple Network Monitoring connector in-built with the Applications Manager software. Along with application and database performance details, using the Network Monitoring connector one can now access health, availability and performance statistics of network devices monitored by a seperate installation of OpManager. The connector allows an administrator to form a monitoring group that includes applications, databases, Java transactions, servers, services, network links, switches, routers and any other associated devices/application that form part of a business service group e.g. the ERP system.

With the combined solution, you will never have to play(dread!) the blame game again. Register here for free technical support and consultancy during your evaluation.

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