Associate admins

Associating admins

The administrator of Jira Software Cloud who sets up the Analytics Plus application becomes the server administrator of Analytics Plus automatically. The server administrator can make any Jira user as Analytics Plus admin with complete access to all the reports and dashboards available in Analytics Plus. Click here to learn more about Analytics Plus user roles.

Associating admins

  • Open the Jira Software Cloud application, click the Settings icon, and select Apps.
  • In the page that appears, click Associate admins from the left pane.
  • Select the required Jira Users from the displayed list.
  • Click the > button to provide admin permissions to the selected users, and click Submit.

Dissociating admins

You can also revoke the admin privileges of users anytime by removing them from the Analytics Plus Admins list.

  • Open the Jira Software Cloud application, click the Settings icon, and select Apps.
  • In the page that appears, click Associate admins from the left pane.
  • Select the names from the Analytics Plus Admins list.
  • Click the < button to revoke admin privileges, and click Submit.

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