Managing your subscription
You can manage your Analytics Plus subscription and modify user roles from the Subscription page. Using the Filter Navigator, search for and open the Subscription module under your ManageEngine Analytics Plus application. The Subscription page will be displayed as below.
Please note that while every user can view this page, only the Account Admin and the admin with the subscription management access can modify the subscription.
The following topics are covered in this section:
The licensing model of the ManageEngine Analytics Plus application is based on the number of users and the subscription period.
There are two license packs available:
For monthly subscriptions, the price for one user per month is USD 20.
For an annual subscription, the price for one user per month is USD 18.
Purchasing a license
Navigate to the Subscription module using the Filter Navigator. The Your Subscription section in this page displays your current usage. To purchase an Analytics Plus subscription, click the Subscribe Now button.
Select your preferred subscription type (Monthly/Yearly), enter the number of users and click Continue.
Review your selection, and click Confirm. Upon confirmation, you can proceed to the Billing address & Payment details section to complete the purchase using your preferred mode of payment. Note: Ensure you allow popups in your browser to view the Billing address & Payments details page.
Note: Existing users can upgrade their Analytics Plus subscription by clicking the Upgrade button from the Your Subscription section, and following the same procedure as above.
Subscription management access
The Account Admin can easily modify the Analytics Plus subscription and manage the user roles from the Subscription page. In addition to the Account Admin, another admin can be provided with the access to manage your Analytics Plus subscription. This ensures that, at any given moment, two users can manage the Analytics Plus subscription.
Grant subscription management access
The Account Admin can provide the subscription management access to another admin easily. To do this, navigate to the Subscription module under the ManageEngine Analytics Plus application using the Filter Navigator. Click the Edit subscription management access link in the Your Subscription section, select the required Analytics Plus admin, and click Confirm.
Note: If you have developer permissions in ServiceNow, please change to the Analytics Plus application scope. Refer this documentation to know more.
The admin with the subscription management access will be distinguished by the Manages subscription tag against their name in the User Management section.
Transfer subscription management access
The admin with the subscription management access can transfer their access to another admin easily. To do this, navigate to the Subscription module under your ManageEngine Analytics Plus application using the Filter Navigator. Click the Edit subscription management access link in the Your Subscription section, select the required Analytics Plus admin, and click Confirm.
Note: If you have developer permissions in ServiceNow, please change to the Analytics Plus application scope. Refer this documentation to know more.
On transferring the access, you will no longer be able to modify the Analytics Plus subscription.
Cancelling your subscription
Towards the end of your subscription period, Analytics Plus auto-renews your license. To cancel your subscription, head to the Subscription module in the Analytics Plus application, and click the Cancel Subscription button. Confirm your choice in the following screens to complete the cancellation.
Note: Your data will be retained in Analytics Plus for 45 days after license expiry or cancellation. Renewing your license within this period will allow you to access your reports and dashboards once again.
User management
Admins can activate, deactivate or delete existing users in Analytics Plus from the Subscription page. Navigate to the User Management section in the Subscription page of the ManageEngine Analytics Plus application. This section lists the roles and status of the various Analytics Plus users. To learn more about the Analytics Plus user roles, click here.
Note: While every user can view the Subscription page, only Analytics Plus admins can modify the user roles and add new admins.
To activate or deactivate a user,
Use the toggle button beside the user name to activate or deactivate users.
Click the delete icon that appears on mouse hover.
Click Delete in the popup that appears, and the corresponding user will be removed.
Note: The actions performed in this page will only affect the user's access to the Analytics Plus application and doesn't alter user's permissions in ServiceNow.
Roles in ManageEngine Analytics Plus
There are three roles in Analytics Plus:
Account admins
The service account used to set up the Analytics Plus app will automatically be made the Account admin. This role is not transferable. Account admins are Analytics Plus admins who also have the additional capability to re-authenticate the Analytics Plus application if the token used for authentication expires. To learn more about re-authentication, click here. Account admins can also manage the Analytics Plus subscription, along with another admin. To learn more about managing your subscription, click here.
As an admin, you can create, share and delete reports and dashboards in Analytics Plus. You can also assign admin privileges to other Analytics Plus users.
A user can view the shared reports and dashboards, and create reports over shared data tables in Analytics Plus.