OpManager Plus REST API

OpManager Plus offers REST APIs for adding and fetching data from OpManager Plus. Using these APIs, you can integrate OpManager Plus with 3rd party IT management/service desk software.



How OpManager Plus REST APIs work? 

The APIs work with an API key. The API key is unique for each OpManager Plus account and has to passed as a parameter in every API request made. First, generate an API key.


Generate API Key 

To generate an API key, go to Settings > Basic Settings > REST API in OpManager web client and click on Regenerate Key.


API List


API Name

API Format



Add User



Adds an user in OpManager.

Add Domain



Adds a domain in OpManager.

Delete Domain



Deletes a domain in OpManager.

List Credentials



Gives the list of credentials created in OpManager.

List Users



Lists all users created in OpManager.

Delete User



Deletes a user.

Change Password



Allows you to change the password of a user.

Update user contact details



Allows you to update the contact details of a user.

List Downtime Schedules



Gives the list of downtime schedules created.

Delete Downtime Schedules



Deletes a particular downtime scheduler.

List Device Templates



Lists all the device templates created in OpManager.

List Notification Profiles



Lists all the notification profiles created in OpManager.

List Service Monitors



Lists all the service monitors created.

List Windows Services



Lists all the Windows service monitors created.

List Eventlog rules



Lists all the event log rules created.

List Syslog rules



Lists all the syslog rules created.

List Process templates



Lists all the process templates created.

List Url monitors



Lists all teh URL monitors created.

Trap Processors



Lists all the trap processor created.

Script Monitors



Lists all the script monitors created.

Add Proxy Settings



Allows to configure the proxy server settings.

Update Proxy Settings



Allows to update the existing proxy server settings.

Get Proxy Settings



Provides the details of proxy server settings.

Get SMS Server Settings



Provides the details of SMS server settings.

Add SMS Server Settings



Allows to configure the SMS server settings.

List Alarm Escalation rules



Lists all the alarm escalation rules created.

List Probes



Lists all the probes available in OpManager.

List Perfomance Monitors



Lists all the performance monitors added.

Change Theme



Allows you to change to a different theme.

List Interface Templates



Lists all the interface templates created.

Get DBMaintenance Data




Set DBMaintenance Data




Get Mail Server Settings



Provides the details of mail server settings.

Add Mail Server Settings



Allows you to configure the mail server settings.

Add device



Add a device.

Delete Device



Deletes a device.

Add device to BV



Adds devices to a Business View that is already created.

Add device to Google Map



Adds devices to Google map.

Add Business view



Adds a new business view.

Get Infrastructure Details



Provides the details of the infrastructure i.e., servers, routers, etc. managed by OpManager.

Get Infrastructure Views



Provides the details of a particular infrastructure type. eg.: servers.

Get Down devcies



Provides the details of devices that are down.

Search device



Allows you to search for a device.

All Url monitors



Lists all the url monitors created.

All WAN Metrics



Lists all the WAN monitors created.

All VOIP Metrics



Lists all the VoIP monitors created.

Discover Network



Discovers a network by providing an IP range.

Re discover Interfaces



Rediscovers interfaces.

Discover Interface



Discovers an interface.

Add Layer2Map




Discover Layer2map




Delete Layer2Map




Discover Layer2 devcies




Get Discovered Layer2 Devices




Add Event



Adds an event.

Top Devices By Events



Lists the top devices by events count.

List Alarms



List all the alarms available.

Acknowledge Alarm



Allows to acknowledge an alarm.

Un Acknowledge Alarm



Allows to unacknowledge an alarm.

Clear an Alarm



Clears an alarm.

Delete Alarm



Deletes an alarm.

Add Notes to Alarm



Adds notes to an alarm.

Get Notes



Provides the notes available for an alarm.

Get Alarm Details



Provides the details of an alarm eg: status, acknowledment

Top Devices By Alarms



Provides the list of top deivces by alarms count.

Ping device



Pings a device and provides the response.

Trace device



Allows you to get the traceroute to a device.

List devices



Lists all the devices added in OpManager.

Device Summary



Provides the summary details of a device.

Associated Notification Profiles



Provides the list of notificiation associated profiles to a device.

Associated Workflows



Provides the list of workflows associated to a device.

Device Notes



Provides the details of notes such as floor no. and department name added to a device.

Associated Monitors



Provides the list of monitors associated to a device.

Update Device Status



Pings the device and upates the correct status of a device.

List Interfaces



Lists all the interfaces in OpManager.

Get Interfaces of Device



Provides the list of interfaces in a device.

Exchange details




MSSQL details




AD details




Probe URL



Provides the URL of the probe.

Add notes to Device



Adds notes to a device.

Interface Summary



Provides the summary details of an interface.

Availability graph data



Provides the data used to calculate the availability graph.

Interface notes



Provides the details of the notes added to an interface.

Interface Monitors



Provides the list of monitors associated to an interface.

Interface Types



Provides the type of interface. eg: serial, ethernet.

Workflow List for Device



Lists all the workflows associated to a device.

Trigger Workflow for Device



Allows to trigger a workflow on a device.

Business view Details



Lists all the devices available in a business view.

Business views



Lists all the business views created.

List Racks



Lists all the racks created.

List Floors



Lists all the floors created.

Get Floor details



Provides the details of floor. eg: floor size, tile size.

Get Layer2Map details




Get PollsPer second



Provides the current polls per second value of OpManager.

System Settings



Provides the details of OpManager System Settings.

Update System settings



Allows to update the system settins.

Delete Notification Profile deleteNotificationProfile post Allows deleting notification profiles.
Associate Notification Profile associateNotificationProfiles post Allows to associate multiple Notification Profiles to Multiple devices
Large Enterprise Edition REST API Details:
  OpManager REST API Documentation    
  REST API Method Description Parameters Sample URL  
  Admin Module    
  addServiceMonitor POST Add Service Monitor
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

serviceName* - Service Name to be added

portNumber* - Port Number of the service

timeOut* - Timeout value in seconds. Default value 0.

failureThreshold* - Consecutive time value to generate service down alert. Default value 1.

autoDiscovery* - True - Need to check and add this service during discovery. Otherwise false
  addSysLogForwarder POST Add SysLog Forwarder
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

destHost* - Destination Host.

destPort* - Destination Port(0 – 65536)
  addSysLogRule POST Add SysLog Rule

apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Name of the rule

facilityName* - SysLog Facility

severityList* - SysLog Severity(Comma Seperated)

alertSeverity* - OpManager Alert Severity

alarmMessage* - OpManager Alert Message

matchString - String matched with incoming syslog message

consecutiveTime* - consecutive time

timeInterval* - time interval
(if rearmFacilityName selcted then rearmSeverityList shoule be selected)

rearmFacilityName - facility name for rearm syslog

rearmSeverityList - severity list for rearm syslog

rearmMatchString - String matched with incoming syslog for rearm
  addTrapForwarder POST Add Trap Forwarder apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

destHost* - Destination Host.

destPort* - Destination Port.
  deleteCredential POST Delete Credentails apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

credentialName* - Name of the credential.

isSNMPV3 – true or false.
  deleteServiceMonitor POST Delete Service Monitor apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

serviceName* - Name of the service to be deleted
  deleteWindowsServiceMonitor POST Delete Windows Service Monitor apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

serviceDisplayName* - Service Display Name to be deleted
  getCredentialDetails GET Get Credential details apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

credentialName* - Name of the credential.

type* - Type of the device eg. Windows, Linux, SNMP v1/v2, SNMP v3 or Vmware.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getCredentialDetails?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&credentialName=Public&type=SNMP v1/v2  
  getDBMaintenanceData GET Provides the DB maintenance configuration apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getDBMaintenanceData?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getFlowRate GET Get SysLog Flow Rate apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getFlowRate?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getServiceDetails GET Get Service Monitor Details apiKey* - API Key

serviceName* - Name of the Service
  getSystemSettingsDetails GET Provides the details of OpManager System Settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getSystemSettingsDetails?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getWindowsServiceMonitor GET Get Windows Service Monitor Details apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

serviceDisplayName* - Service Display Name
  setDBMaintenanceData POST Allows you to configure DB Maintenance. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

alarmscount - alarms count to be maintain.

rawdata - Detailed statistics.

hourlydata -
Hourly statistics.

dailydata - Daily statistics.
  updateServiceMonitor POST Update Service Monitor Details apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

serviceName* - Name of the service to be updated

timeOut* - Timeout value to be updated

failureThreshold* - Consecutive Time value to be updated
  updateSystemSettingsDetails GET Allows to update the system settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

Any positive Integer.

CLILOG – false/true.


DEBUGPRINTS - false/true

POLLPERSECOND - true/false

SCHEDULERRATE - false/true

SNMPLOG - false/true

SNMPV3LOG - false/true

ShowAds - true/false

WMILOG - false/true

benchmarkupload - enable/disable

metrackupload - enable/disable

quicklinks – enable/disable
  updateTheme POST Allows you to change to a different theme. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

selectedSkin* - Name of the theme to be set
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/updateTheme?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&selectedSkin=Olive Green  
  updateWindowsServiceMonitor POST Update Windows Service Monitor Details apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

serviceDisplayName* -
Service Display Name

failureThreshold* - Consecutive times value to be updated

actionType* - Action type to be updated. Either 0/1/2, 0 - No Action, 1 - Restart the service, 2 - Restart the server
  listPluginEvents GET Get events raised by the installed pluggin application
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

plugginName* - Name of the pluggin whose event is needed.

eventTime* - Period in which event generated (for all events, say All).
  getPluginEventCount GET Get count of events raised by the installed pluggin application
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

fromTime* - Start time.

toTime* - End time.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/alarm/getPluginEventCount?apiKey=6d36ff8426cff396b81b248e5c458604&fromTime=2014-2-20 13:32:8&toTime=2014-2-20 14:2:8  
  getPluginDetails GET Fetches information of the installed pluggins
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  showAssociateDevices GET Shows the associated devices list.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

selectedOption* - Selected option (manual).
  listProfileCriteria GET Lists all the profile criteria.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getDeviceListForTestScript GET List devices for the test script.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

executedFrom* - Executed device name (Local Server).
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getDeviceListForTestScript?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&executeFrom=Local Server  
  upadateTrapParser POST Update trap parser
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

version* - Version.

oid* - Device OID.

TrapParserName* - Name of the trap parser.
  updateLanguageSettings POST Update language settings
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

languageSelected* - Selected language.
  getLanguageSettings GET Obtains language settings.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  deleteNotificationProfile POST Delete notification profile
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ID* - Notification profile ID.
  deleteAgentDetails POST Delete agent devices
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

Id* - ID of the agent.

oper* - Operation to perform.

selectedDevices* - Devices for deletion.
  updateAgentDetails POST Update agent device details
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

agentKey* - MonitoringAgent Key.

mappedDevice* - Mapped device name.
  showAgentDetails GET Shows the installed agent details
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  deleteFailOverDetails POST Deletes the fail-over server details
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  updateFailOverDetails POST Updates fail-over server details
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  listFailOverDetails GET Lists the fail-over server details
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

serviceName* - Failover device name.
  SubmitQuery POST Enables execution of the query and fetches result
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

query* - Query to be executed.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/SubmitQuery?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&query=select * from UserPasswordTable  
  registerLicense POST Registers the license file
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

fileName* - License File name.
  licenseDetails GET Fetches license details
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getCredentialMappedDevices GET Lists devices mapped to the given credential
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

credentialName* - License File name.
  sendSIF POST Sends support information file.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

customerName* - Customer name/email ID.

phone* - Contact number.

subject* - Mail subject.

userMessage* - Mail body message.

fromAddress* - From email address.

supportFile* - File name or zip file.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/sendSIF?apiKey=6d36ff8426cff396b81b248e5c458604&customerName=administrator@opmanager.com&phone=7781&subject=OpmLogs&userMessage=opm logs for analyzing issue&fromAddress=mohamedthahir.n@testdomain.com&supportFile=OpMan_11200_Feb_20_2014_15_58_30.zip  
  createSIF GET Creates a support information zip file
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  viewLogs GET Lists all the OpManager logs
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  updateJvmHeapSize POST Updates JVM Heap size
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

jvmHeapSize* - New JVM Heap size
  generateHeapDump POST Generates Heap dump file..
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  GetThreadDump GET Fetches thread dump.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  GetSystemInformation GET Obtains System information.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getProcessTemplateAssociatedDevices GET Fetch the Process templates associated devices.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

protocol* - Type of the protocol.

templateName* - Name of the template/process.
  GetRebrandDetails GET Fetches the rebrand details.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

alarmscount* - Alarms count.

rawdata* - Raw data (number of days).

hourlydata* - Hourly data (number of days).
  rebrandOpManager GET Rebrands the product.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

productName* - Rebranded product name.
  regenerateAPIKey GET Regenerates API Key
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  deleteSecondaryMailServer POST Delete secondary mail server.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  deleteDataCollectionRow POST Deletes the data collection row apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

time* - Data collection time

value – Data collected value.
  getDataCollectionRowAsList GET Gets data collection list – Polls per second apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

fromTime* - Data collection From time

toTime* – Data collected To time.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/diagnostics/getDataCollectionRowAsList?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&fromTime=2013-12-21 00:01:15&toTime=2013-12-21 23:59:15  
  getActualScheduleRate GET Gets actual schedule rate apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

fromTime* - Data collection From time

ToTime* – Data collected To time.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/diagnostics/getActualScheduleRate?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&fromTime=2013-12-21 00:01:15&toTime=2013-12-21 23:59:15  
  getDataCollectionRow GET Get data collection row – Polls per second apikey* - Api key to access your opmanager server.

fromTime* - Data collection from time

toTime* – Data collected to time.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/diagnostics/getDataCollectionRow?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&fromTime=2013-12-21 00:01:15&toTime=2013-12-21 23:59:15  
  deleteDomain POST Deletes the domain name.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

domainName* - Name of the domain.
  addUrl POST Add new URL monitor
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

pollInterval* - Poll Interval.

failureThreshold* - Failure threshold value.

errorContent* - Error content.

urlName* - Name of the URL.

password* - Password.

url* - URL to be moniored.

cookie* - ACCEPT or REJECT.

queryString - Search string.

deviceName* - Device name.

matchContent - Matching content to search for.

userName – Username.

method* - POST or GET.

timeout* - Timeout interval.
  Alarm Escalation    
  addAlarmEscalationRules POST Add Alarm Escalation rules apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

rulename* - Alarm escalation rule name.

interval* - interval for escalation.

alarmlife* - period of alarm.

units* - quantity/count.

severity* - severity of escalation.

category* - alarm escalation category.

notificationType* - Type of notification eg., SMS or EMAIL.

ackStatus – acknowledgement status eg. diable. Will be enabled by default.

if notificationType=SMS,
number – number to which sms is to be sent.
smsMessage – SMS message.

if notificationType=EMAIL,
fromemailid – Email id from which the escalate notification being sent.
toemailid – Email id to whom the notification has to be sent.
subject – Subject of escalate notification.
message – Alarm escalation message.
  deleteAlarmEscalationRules POST Deletes alarm escalation rules. apiKey* - api key.
rulename* - Alarm escalation rule names. (comma-separated)
  showEscalationRules GET Provides all Alarm Escalation rules available. apiKey* - api key. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/showEscalationRules?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  updateAlarmEscalationRules POST Updates the Alarm Escalation Rule. apiKey* - api key.
rulename* - Alarm escalation rule name.
interval* - interval for escalation.
alarmlife* - period of alarm.
units* - quantity/count.
severity* - severity of escalation.
category* - alarm escalation category.
notificationType* - Type of notification eg., SMS or EMAIL.

if notificationType=SMS,
number – number to which sms is to be sent.

smsMessage – SMS message.

if notificationType=EMAIL,
fromemailid Email id from which the escalate notification being sent.

toemailid – Email id to whom the notification has to be sent.

subject – Subject of escalate notification.

message – Alarm escalation message.
  viewAlarmEscalationRules GET Provides information about the Alarm Escalation rule apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

rulename* - Alarm escalation rule name.
  acknowledgeAlarm POST Allows to acknowledge an alarm. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

entity - Entity of the alarm.
  addEvent POST Adds an event. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

source* - Name of the source device of the event.

severity* - The severity of the event. Following are the severity levels and its ID:
Critical - 1
Trouble - 2
Attention - 3
Service Down - 4

message* - The message that is displayed when the event is generated.

alarmCode - Unique string used to trigger the event. Eg:-Threshold-DOWN

entity - Uniquely identifies the failure object within the source.Events will be correlated into alarms according to the entity field. Multiple events with the same entity will be grouped as a single alarm.

eventType - Description of the event type
  addNotes POST Adds notes to an alarm. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

entity* -
Entity of the alarm.

notes* – Text that has to be added as notes to the alarm.
  alarmProperties GET Provides the details of an alarm eg: status, acknowledment apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

entity* - Entity of the alarm.
  clearAlarm POST Clears an alarm. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

entity* - Entity of the alarm.
  deleteAlarm POST Deletes an alarm. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

entity* - Entity of the alarm.
  getAnnotation GET Provides the notes available for an alarm. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

entity* - Entity of the alarm.
  getTopDevicesByAlarms GET Provides the list of top deivces by alarms count. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

eventType* - Type of the Event eg. Trap or Evenlog Alarm
  getTopDevicesByEvents GET Lists the top devices by events count. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

eventType* - Type of the Event eg. Trap or Evenlog Alarm
  listAlarmEscalationRules GET Lists all the alarm escalation rules created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listAlarmEscalationRules?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listAlarms GET List all the alarms available. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName - Name of the device whose alarms alone has to be filtered

serverity - The severity of the alarm.
Following are the severity levels and its ID:
Critical - 1
Trouble - 2
Attention - 3
Service Down - 4

Category - The category to which the device belongs to. Eg. Router

fromTime - The beginning time for the filter. It should be in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.

toTime - The end time for the filter. It should also be in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/alarm/listAlarms?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&Category=Server&deviceName=opman-k8r2s-64-3..testdomain.com&severity=1&toTime=2014-02-12 23:59:00&fromTime=2014-02-12 00:01:01  
  listNotificationProfiles GET Lists all the notification profiles created in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
profileFilter- All - For Global profiles and for other type of profiles(Send+Email, Send+SMS, Send+Modem+SMS,
isGlobal- false - for Device Specific Profiles Filter.
  associateNotificationProfiles POST Associate Notification Profiles
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

profiles* - ProfileID of the profiles to be associated.

deviceName* - Name of the devices to be associated
  unAcknowledgeAlarm POST Allows to unacknowledge an alarm. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

entity - Entity of the alarm.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/alarm/unAcknowledgeAlarm?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&entity= 222222222  
  alarmProperties GET Obtains information of the given alarm
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

entity* - Entity (alarm ID)
  getAlarmList GET Lists all the alarms irrespective of the device/category
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  listEvents GET Lists all generated events
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  Device discovery    
  addDevice POST Add a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device to be added.

netmask - Enter the netmask for discovering the device.

credentialName - Enter the appropriate credential.

type - Type of the device. Eg. Windows 2008 R2.

displayName - Name of the device that has to be displayed in OpManager.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/discovery/addDevice?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&deviceName=opman-k8r2s-64-2.testdomain.com&displayName=opman-k8r2s-64-2.testdomain.com&credentialName=win&netmask= 2008 R2  
  addDeviceToGMap POST Adds devices to Google map. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device to be added in business view.

latitude* - Latitude of the location where the device is present.

longitude* - Longitude of the location where the device is present.
  addDomain POST Adds a domain in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

domainName - Name of the domain that has to be added.

domainController - Name of the domain controller.

autoLogin - Enable or Disable are the values that has to be entered. Enable - Allow the AD user to login into OpManager even if he/she does not have an account in OpManager. Disable - Does not allow the AD user to login into OpManager if he/she does not have an account in OpManager

loginType** - All users - Allows all users from the AD in that domain.
Selected Groups - Allows selected user groups from the AD in that domain

privilege - Operators - Allows the users in that domain to have Read Only permission to OpManager.
Administrators - Allows the users in that domain to have Full Access permission to OpManager.

readOnlyGroups - Allows the users in that group to have Read Only permission to OpManager.

fullControlGroups - Allows the users in that group to have Full Access permission to OpManager.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/addDomain?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&domainController=win2k8master.testdomain.com&autoLogin=true&loginType=All Users&domainName=testdomain  
  deleteDevice POST Deletes a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device to be deleted.
  deleteDomain POST Deletes a domain in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

domainName - Name of the domain that has to be deleted.
  discoverNetwork POST Discovers a network by providing the IP range. > Through IP Range

For Ipv4:
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

discoverType* - Format of discovery ie. Range

fromIP* - Starting IP address

toIP* - Ending IP address

netmask* - netMask

credentialName* - credential names as command separated

rediscoverExistingDevices* - rediscovering existing devices (true or false)

For Ipv6:
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

discoverType* - Format of discovery ie. Range

fromIP* - Starting IP address

toIP* - Ending IP address

networkAddress* - network address should be a IPv6 address

credentialName* - credential names as command separated

rediscoverExistingDevices* - rediscovering existing devices (true or false)

> Through CIDR

For Ipv4:
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

discoverType* - Format of discovery ie. CIDR

fromIP* - Starting IP address

maskbit* - Mask bit(1 to 32)

credentialName* - credential names as command separated

rediscoverExistingDevices* - rediscovering existing devices (true or false)

For Ipv6:
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

discoverType* - Format of discovery ie. CIDR

fromIP* - Starting IP address

maskbit* - Mask bit(1 to 127)

credentialName* - credential names as command separated

rediscoverExistingDevices* - rediscovering existing devices (true or false)

> Through CSV

apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

discoverType* - Format of discovery ie. CSV

credentialName* - selected credential name

netmask* - netMask
  listCredentials GET Gives the list of credentials created in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listCredentials?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listDownTimeSchedules GET Gives the list of downtime schedules created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listDownTimeSchedules?apiKey=83155f195334a19df5e58a8a33a6f804  
  RediscoverDevice POST Rediscovers a device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.

snmpCredentialNames* - SNMP Credentials.
  reDiscoverInterfaces POST Rediscovers the interfaces
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device.
  doSearch GET Search a device/interface
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

type* - Type of the device (DEVICE,INTERFACE, etc).

searchString* - Search string (device name, interface name etc).
  searchDevice GET Allows you to search for a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device whose route has to be traced
  Device Snapshot    
  addNotesToDevice POST Adds notes to a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device to be added

FIELD_NAMES - List of fields to be added to the device. Eg.: Department=IT
  addNTServiceMonitors POST Add Windows Services apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.

discoverFromDevice – true or false.

serviceNames – Service names in comma-separated format.

displayNames – Service display names in comma-separted format.

assignedNTServices – Selected services (applicable only when 'discover from device' set to false or null)
http://localhost:8060/api/json/device/addNTServiceMonitors?apiKey=6d36ff8426cff396b81b248e5c458604&assignedNTServices=Windows Audio,Telnet,Net Logon,Messenger,IIS,ManageEngine Agent Helper,ManageEngine OpManager Agent&name=ctestlab-w2012.testdomain.com  
  associateServiceMonitor POST Associate Service monitors to the specified device apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device for which the service to be associated. Give the names by comma separated for bulk association

serviceName* - Name of the service in comma-separated format.
  getAssociatedMonitors GET Provides the list of monitors associated to a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name - name of the device.
  getAssociatedServiceMonitors GET Provides the service monitors associated with the specified device apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.
  getDeviceNotes GET Provides the details of notes such as floor no. and department name added to a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - name of the device.
  getDeviceSummary GET Provides the summary details of a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - name of the device.
  getNotificationProfiles GET Provides the list of notificiation associated profiles to a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - name of the device.
  getNTServiceMonitors GET Provides the WindowsNT Service monitors of specified device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.

discoverFromDevice – true or false or null.
  getWorkFlows GET Provides the list of workflows associated to a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - name of the device.
  listActiveProcesses POST List Active Processes apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device from which we want to get running processes list

protocol* - Protocol to be used (Either WMI/CLI/SNMP)
  listActiveWindowsServices POST List Active Windows Service Monitors apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Device Name

userName* - User Name

password* - Password
  getAssociatedCredentials GET Obtains information on the credentials associated to a device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* – Name of the device whose credentials need to be fetched.
  getPerfomanceMonitorDetails GET Obtains information of the performance monitors for a device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

policyName* - Name of the performance monitor.

graphName* - Graph name of the performance monitor.

name* - Name of the device.

checkNumeric* - true or false.
  EditPerfomanceMonitor POST Enables editing the configuration of a performance monitor
TroubleThresholdType* - Type of threshold.

TroubleThresholdValue* - Trouble threshold value.

RearmValue* - Trouble threshold rearm value.

Interval – monitoring Interval in mins.

TimeAvg – Average time.

ThresholdEnabled – true or false.

GraphName – Name of the performance monitor graph.

WarningThresholdValue – Warning threshold value.

Type – threshold type.

OidType – OID Type.

TroubleMessage – Message to be populated on violating threshold.

TroubleThresholdTextValue – Trouble threshold value.

TroubleThresholdTextualType – Trouble threshold textual type (equals, contains etc)

Oid – OID of the performance monitor.

SendClear – True or false.

ClrMessage – Message to be displayed when the threshold is cleared.

Name – Device name.

CriticalThresholdTextValue – Critical threshold text value.

CriticalMessage – Message to be displayed on violating critical threshold.

CriticalThresholdType – Type of critical threshold (max, min)

RearmTextValue – Rearm value of critical threshold.

CriticalThresholdValue – Threshold value of the critical alarm.

WarningMessage – Warning message.

YaxisText – Text representing the values in y-axis.

WarningThresholdTextualType – warning threshold text type.

FailureThreshold – Failure threshold value.

Vendor – Vendor of the device.

CriticalThresholdTextualType – Critical threshold textual type.

ThresholdName – name of the threshold.

WarningThresholdType – Type of the warning threshold.

CheckNumeric – True or False.

FirstTime – True or False.

PolicyName – Name of the performance monitor.

InstanceName – Name of the monitor instance.

RearmTextualType – Rearm Textual type.

ClearThresholdType – Clear threshold type.

DisplayName – Displayname of the performance monitor.

WarningThresholdTextValue – Warning threshold text value.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/device/EditPerfomanceMonitor?troubleThresholdType=max&troubleThresholdValue=25&rearmValue=23&interval=5&timeAvg=&thresholdEnabled=true&graphName=WMI-CPUUtilization&warningThresholdValue=&type=multiple&oidType=&apiKey=6d36ff8426cff396b81b248e5c458604&troubleMessage=$MONITOR is $CURRENTVALUE%, threshold value for this monitor is $THRESHOLDVALUE%&troubleThresholdTextValue=25&troubleThresholdTextualType=Contains&oid=CPU Utilization&sendClear=true&clrMessage=$MONITOR is now back to normal, current value is $CURRENTVALUE%&name=$MONITOR is $CURRENTVALUE%, threshold value for this monitor is $THRESHOLDVALUE%&criticalThresholdType=max&rearmTextValue=23&criticalThresholdValue=&warningMessage=$MONITOR is $CURRENTVALUE%, threshold value for this monitor is $THRESHOLDVALUE%&yaxisText=Percentage&warningThresholdTextualType=Contains&failureThreshold=1&vendor=&criticalThresholdTextualType=Contains&thresholdName=&warningThresholdType=max&checkNumeric=true&firstTime=false&policyName=WMI-CPUUtilization&instanceName=&rearmTextualType=Not Contains&clearThresholdType=min&displayName=CPU Utilization&warningThresholdTextValue=  
  addPerfomanceMonitors POST Adds a new performance monitor for the given device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.

selectedMonitors* - Name of the performance monitors.
  getPerformanceMonitors GET Lists the performance monitors for the given device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device.

category* - Name of the performance monitors.

type* - Type of the device
http://localhost:8060/api/json/device/getPerformanceMonitors?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&category=Server&deviceName=opman-k8r2s-64-3.testdomain.com&type=Windows 2008 R2  
  UpdateAdditionalFields POST Updates the additional fields present in the device snapshot page
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

firstTime* - true or false.

interfacename* - Name of the interface.

type* - Type of the device.

UDF1* - Field value.

UDF2 – Filed value.

UDF3 – Field value.

UDF4 – Field value.

UDF5 – Field value.
  UpdateDeviceDetails POST Updates device details
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

vendor* - Vendor of the device.

name* - Device name.

monitoring* - Monitoring interval.

netmask* - Netmask address.

displayName* - Displayname of the device.

ipAddress* - Device IP address.
  GetCredentialsForDevice GET Obtains the credentials mapped to a device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.
  GetMonitoringInterval GET Obtains the configured monitoring interval
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.
  ConfigureMonitoringInterval POST Enables configuration of the monitoring interval
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

pollenabled* - on or off.

protocol* - protocol of the device.

name* - Device name.

interval* - Monitoring interval.
  GetSuppressAlarmDetails GET Obtains the suppress alarm details of a device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.
  ConfigureSuppressAlarm POST Configures suppress alarm for a device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.

suppressInterval* - Alarm suppress interval.
  setManaged POST Enables the device to be in managed state
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.

manage* - Set device in managed statue (true or false).
  deletePerfomanceMonitors POST Deletes the performance monitor from the given device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* – Name of the device whose credentials need to be fetched.

policyName* - Name of the performance monitor.
  getInterfaceGraphs GET Show graph values for a interface
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

interfaceName* - Name of the interface.

graphName* - Graph name of the performance monitor.
  fetchMonitorsList POST Fetches all configured monitors of a device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

username* - Username.

category* - Device category.

deviceList* - List of devices.
  getInterfaceUtilization GET Get utilization of the given interfaces
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

period* - Period for which graph is required. (fourhours, twohours etc)

interfaceList* - List of interfaces.
  getGraphData GET Fetches graph value for the given monitors
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

index* - Name of the performance monitor.

name* - Name of the device.

policyName* - Name of the performance monitor.
  getGraphNames GET Obtains the name of all available graphs for the given device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.
  associateServiceMonitor POST Associate service monitor to the device.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Type of the device.

serviceName* - Name of the service monitors.
  getUrlDetails GET Fetches URL monitor details
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

urlName* - URL Name.

deviceName* - Name of the device.
  addEventLogRules POST Add an Event log rule apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Event log rule name to be added.

logFileName* – Event log filename.

status* – log status.

failureThreshold* – Failure threshold.

thresholdInterval* – threshold interval.

eventID – Event ID.

category – event category.

source – Event source.

userName – User name.

message – event message.

eventType – event type.
  deleteEventLogRules POST Enables deletion of Eventlog rule. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

rulename* - Event log rule name to be added.
  showEventLogRules GET Displays the available event log rules apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

showEventLogRules* - on or off.
  updateEventLogRules POST Updates the Eventlog rule. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Event log rule name to be added.

logFileName* – Event log filename.

status* – log status.

failureThreshold* – Failure threshold.

thresholdInterval* – threshold interval.

eventID – Event ID.

category – event category.

source – Event source.

userName – User name.

message – event message.

eventType – event type.
  viewEventLogRules GET Provides information on the event log rule apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Event log rule name to be added.

logFileName* – Event log file name.
  Interface discovery    
  discoverInterface POST Discovers an interface. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

devicesList* - DeviceNames(moname) as comma separated

intftypes* - Intf types as numeric numbers(E.g: Ethernet=6)

adminStates* - Interface AdminStatus as numeric numbers(UP=1, DOWN=2)

operStates* - Interface OperStatus as numeric numbers(UP=1, DOWN=2)
  getInterfaces GET Provides the list of interfaces in a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - name of the device.
  getInterfaceSummary GET Provides the summary details of an interface. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

interfaceName - name of the interface
  getAllUrlMonitorDetails GET Lists all the url monitors created.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getInterfaceTypes GET Provides the type of interface. eg: serial, ethernet.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getProbeURL GET Provides the URL of the probe. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name - name of the device.
  listVirtualDevices GET Lists all the available virtual devices
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

virtualDeviceType* - Type of the virtual device.

  fetchInterfacesList GET Fetches all interfaces of the given device and category
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

username* – username.

category* – Device category.

deviceList* – Device name.
  fetchDevicesList GET Fetches all devices available in the given category
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

username* – username.

category* – Device category.
  listDevices GET Lists all the devices added in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName - Name of the device that has to be filtered

type - The device type which has to be filtered. Eg.Windows 7

Category - The category to which the device belongs to. Eg. Router
http://localhost:8060/api/json/device/listDevices?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&Category=Server&deviceName=opman-k8r2s-64-3.testdomain.com&type=Windows 2008 R2  
  listInterfaces GET Lists all the interfaces in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/device/listInterfaces?apiKey=83155f195334a19df5e58a8a33a6f804  
  getDevicePackageList GET Lists device package
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getCategoryList GET Lists all the available device categories
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getVendorList GET Lists all the vendors
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  Layer2 discovery    
  addLayer2Map POST Adds a Layer2 devices Map apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

mapName* - Name of the Map

seedDevice* - Seed Router Or L3 Switch Address

startAddr* - Start IpAddress of the network

endAddr* - End IpAddress of the network

subnetMask* - Subnet Mask for the network

credentialName* - Array of credentials existing in Opmanager in comma separated format

scheduleInterval* - Scheduling Interval (Number Of Days) default 5 days

discoverNow* - true/false. if true, Add the Layer2 Configuration and discover it. If false, add only the Layer2 Configuration and discover after the schedule period.
  deleteLayer2Map POST Allows to delete Layer2 map. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

mapName* - Name Of the Map to be deleted
  discoverLayer2Devices POST Discovers Layer2 devices apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceNames* - Array Of Devices in comma-separated format
  discoverLayer2Map POST Discovers Layer2 Map apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

mapName* - Name Of the Map to be discovered/updated
  getDiscoveredLayer2Map GET Allows you to view the discovered Layer2 Map apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

mapName* - Name Of the Map to be shown
  getLayer2ScanDetails GET Obtains information regarding the Layer 2 scans ran up-to-date
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getLayer2Maps GET Lists all the Layer2 Maps available in Opmanager apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/maps/getLayer2Maps?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  Mail Server Settings    
  ConfigureMailServerSettings POST Allows you to configure the mail server settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

mailServerName* - name of the mail-server.

mailServerPort* - Port number of the mail server.

toEmailId* - Email id to whom the notification to be sent.

timeOut* - Connection timeout in seconds.

secureMode* - Enable SSL (on or off).

keyPassword - ssl key password.

isSecondary - secondary mails server(TRUE or FALSE).

authenticationRequired - ON or OFF.

mailUserName* - authentication username.

mailPassword* - authentication password
  GetMailServerSettings GET Provides the details of mail server settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/GetMailServerSettings?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getMailVariables GET Get send mail parameters
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  addBusinessView POST Adds a new business view. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

bvName* - Name of the Business View.
  addDeviceToBV POST Adds devices to a Business View that is already created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device to be added in business view. Enter multiple device names separated by a comma.

bvName* - Name of the business view.
  getBusinessDetailsView GET Lists all the devices available in a business view. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

bvName* - Name of the business view.

viewLength - Length of the data. If not provided, default length 250 will be used.

startPoint - data from startPoint Example 1 means, fetch data from 1 - optional parameter
  getBusinessView GET Lists all the business views created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/businessview/getBusinessView?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getFloorDetails GET Provides the details of floor. eg, floor size, tile size. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

floorId* - Floor ID obtained from listFloors
  getInfrastructureView GET Provides the details of a particular infrastructure type. eg.: servers. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/discovery/getInfrastructureView?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listFloors GET Lists all the floors created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/maps/listFloors?apiKey=1d626117b2ac31145ce6bca49bb0458b  
  listRacks GET Lists all the racks created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/maps/listRacks?apiKey=83155f195334a19df5e58a8a33a6f804  
  RemoveBVFromUser GET Removes the business view associated to an user
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

userName* - Username.

domainName* - Domain name.

bvName* - Business view name.
  AssociateBVToUser GET Associates the business view to an user
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

userName* - Username.

domainName* - Domain name.

bvName* - Business view name.
  getUsersAssociatedToBV GET Displays all the users associated to the given business view
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

BvName* - Business view name.
  deleteMapCoordinates POST Delete device map coordinates
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* – Name of the device to be deleted from the map.
  updateMapCoordinates POST Updates device map coordinates
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* – Name of the device to be deleted from the map.

mapCoordinates* - Coordinates of the device in the map.
  getBVDetails GET Fetches information of the given BusinessView
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

BvName* - Business view name.

viewId* - Business view Id.
  addWindowsServiceMonitor POST Add Windows Service Monitors apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

serviceName* - Actual Service Name.

serviceDisplayName* - Service Display Name.

failureThreshold - Consecutive time used to generate service down alarm.

actionType - Either 0/1/2, 0 - No Action, 1 - Restart the service, 2 - Restart the server
  deleteDownTimeSchedules POST Deletes a particular downtime scheduler. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

scheduleId* – ID of the schedule
  getADDetails GET Provides the details of Active-Directory device apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name - name of the device.
  getAllVoipMetrics GET Lists all the VoIP monitors created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/discovery/getAllVoipMetrics?apiKey=83155f195334a19df5e58a8a33a6f804  
  getAllWanMetrics GET Lists all the WAN monitors created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/discovery/getAllWanMetrics?apiKey=83155f195334a19df5e58a8a33a6f804  
  getAvailabiltyGraphData GET Provides the data used to calculate the availability graph.

apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

period* - period for which availability graph is required.




deviceName* - name of the device OR elementID* - MOID of the Interface.

  getDownDevices GET Provides the details of devices that are down. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/discovery/getDownDevices?apiKey=83155f195334a19df5e58a8a33a6f804  
  getExchangeDetails GET Provides the details of Exchange Server device apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name - name of the device.
  getInterfaceMonitors GET Provides the list of monitors associated to an interface. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

interfaceName - name of the interface.
  getInterfaceNotes GET Provides the details of the notes added to an interface. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

interfaceName - name of the interface
  getMSSQLDetails GET  Provides the details of MSSQL Server device apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name - name of the device.
  getPingResponse GET Pings a device and provides the response. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device which has to be pinged.
  getPollsPerSec GET Provides the current polls per second value of OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

graphType* – Type of graph required ie. Pollpersec.

fromTime* – date string in the format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

toTime* - date string in the format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
http://localhost:8060/api/json/diagnostics/getPollsPerSec?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&fromTime=2013-12-21 00:01:15&graphType=Pollpersec&toTime=2013-12-21 23:59:15  
  getTraceResponse GET Allows you to get the traceroute to a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device which has to be pinged.
  listEventLogRules GET Lists all the event log rules created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listEventLogRules?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listPerformanceMonitors GET Lists all the performance monitors added. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listPerformanceMonitors?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listScriptMonitors GET Lists all the script monitors created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listScriptMonitors?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listServiceMonitors GET Lists all the service monitors created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listServiceMonitors?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listSysLogRules GET Lists all the syslog rules created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listSysLogRules?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listTrapProcessors GET Lists all the trap processor created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listTrapProcessors?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listURLMonitors GET Lists all teh URL monitors created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listURLMonitors?apiKey=5070623c57db770f93ca914dc7b598f8  
  listWindowsServiceMonitors GET Lists all the Windows service monitors created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listWindowsServiceMonitors?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listStatusPollDetails GET List status poll details of particular interface type.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

typeName* - Type of the device/interface
  TestMonitor GET Test Monitor action apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - Name of the device.

policyName* - Policy name of the monitor.

graphName - Graph name.

instanceName – Instance name.
  updateDeviceStatus GET Pings the device and upates the correct status of a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* - name of the device.
  Proxy Server Settings    
  ConfigureProxyServerSettings POST Allows to configure the proxy server settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

domainName - Name of the domain that has to be added.

Host* - Proxy Server name.

Port* - Port at which the Proxy server is running.

UserName* - proxy user name.

Password* - proxy password.

noproxyhostlist – no proxy list
  GetProxyServerSettings GET Provides the details of proxy server settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/GetProxyServerSettings?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  UpdateProxyServerSettings POST Allows to update the existing proxy server settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

enableProxy* – TRUE or FALSE
  SMS Server Settings    
  configureSMSServerSettings POST Allows to configure the SMS server settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

portno* - <Name of the Port(eg. COM1).

mobileno* - Mobile number from which the SMS to be sent
  GetSMSServerSettings GET Provides the details of SMS server settings. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/GetSMSServerSettings?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  deleteSysLogForwarder POST Delete SysLog Forwarder apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

destHost* - Destination Host.

destPort* - Destination Port.
  deleteSysLogRule POST Delete SysLog Rule apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Name of the rule
  getSysLogAlertSeverityMap GET List SysLog AlertSeverityMap apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getSysLogAlertSeverityMap?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getSysLogFacilityMap GET List SysLog FacilitiesMap apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getSysLogFacilityMap?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getSysLogForwarders GET List SysLog Forwarders apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Sys Log Rule Name.
  getSysLogPort GET Get SysLog Ports apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

portNumber*- port Numbers(comma seperated)
  getSysLogRuleContent GET SysLog Rule Info apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Sys Log Rule Name
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getSysLogRuleContent?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&ruleName=Failed logins  
  getSysLogSeverityMap GET List SysLog SeverityMap apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getSysLogSeverityMap?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  isSysLogRuleExists GET Is SysLog Rule Exists apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Sys Log Rule Name.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/isSysLogRuleExists?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&ruleName=Failed logins  
  startSysLogForwarder POST Start SysLog Forwarder apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/startSysLogForwarder?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  stopSysLogForwarder POST Stop SysLog Forwarder apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/stopSysLogForwarder?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  updateSysLogForwarder POST Update SysLog Forwarder apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

destHost* - Previous Destination Host.

destPort* - Previous Destination Port.

newDestHost* - New Destination Host.

newDestPort* - New Destination Port.
  updateSysLogRule POST Update SysLog Rule apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

ruleName* - Name of the rule

facilityName - SysLog Facility

severityList - SysLog Severity(Comma Seperated)

alertSeverity - OpManager Alert Severity

alarmMessage - OpManager Alert Message

matchString - String matched with incoming syslog message

consecutiveTime - consecutive time

timeInterval - time interval
(if rearmFacilityName selcted then rearmSeverityList shoule be selected)

rearmFacilityName - facility name for rearm syslog

rearmSeverityList : severity list for rearm syslog

rearmMatchString : String matched with incoming syslog for rearm
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/updateSysLogRule?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&description=auth alert rule&alertSeverity=2&matchString=matchstring&facilityName=auth&ruleName=test11&alarmMessage=test&severityList=alert  
  addProcessTemplate POST Add Process Template apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

processName* - Name of the process

path* - Process path

argument* - Process argument

protocol* - protocol to be used

displayName - DisplayName for the process

matchPath - boolean(true/false). If it is true - compare process path while polling process

matchArgs - boolean(true/false). If it is true - compare process argument while polling process
  addVendor POST Add new vendor name. apiKey* - api key.

vendor* - Vendor name of the device.
  associateDeviceTemplate POST Associate templates to the device. apiKey* - api key.

selectedDevices* - device name (comma-separated).

typeName* - Device type.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/associateDeviceTemplate?apiKey=1d626117b2ac31145ce6bca49bb0458b&typeName=Windows 2008 R2&selectedDevices=opman-k8r2s-64-2.testdomain.com  
  associateProcessTemplate POST Associate Process Template apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

templateName* - Process template name to be associated. For Bulk template association, give template names by comma separated

deviceName* - Device name to which the template has to be applied. For Bulk template association, give template names by comma separated

protocol* - Protocol to be used
  deleteDeviceTemplate POST Enables deletion of Device Templates. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

typeName* - Template type name.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/deleteDeviceTemplate?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&typeName=3com 3500G-EI  
  deleteProcessTemplate POST Delete Process Template apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

templateName* - Process Template name to be deleted.

protocol* - protocol used to discover the process.
  deleteSysoid POST Enables deletion of SysOID apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

typeName* - Template type name.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/deleteSysoid?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&typeName=3com 3500G-EI  
  editInterfaceTemplates POST Edit Interface Template apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

typeName* - Template type name.

intfEnabled* - on or off.

statusPoll* - on.

enableIntfUtilTemplate – on or off.

enableIntfErrorTemplate – on or off.

enableIntfDiscTemplate – on or off.

If enableIntfUtilTemplate is on,
pollInterval* – Polling interval (integer).

failureThreshold* – Threshold failure value (integer).

statusPollFT* – Status polling (integer).

if enableIntfErrorTemplate is on,
utilThreshold* – threshold value (integer).

utilRearm* – threshold rearm value (integer).

utilCondition* – threshold condition (integer).

if enableIntfDiscTemplate is on,
errorThreshold* - error threshold value (integer).

errorRearm* - error Rearm value (integer).

errorCondition* - error condition value (integer)
  getProcessTemplateDetails GET Get Process Template details apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

templateName* - Process Template name

protocol* - Protocol to be used
  getVendorMonitors GET Provides information about the monitors of particular vendor of the device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

vendor* - Vendor of the device.

category* - device category.
  listDeviceTemplates GET Lists all the device templates created in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listDeviceTemplates?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  listInterfaceTemplates GET Lists all the interface templates created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

showMode* - allInterfaces or commonInterfaces
  listProcessTemplates GET Lists all the process templates created. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listProcessTemplates?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  updateDeviceTemplate POST Updates the device template. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

typeName* - Template type name.

IconName* - Template icon name.

pingInterval* - Ping Interval.

category* - Category of Device.

vendor* - Vendor of device.

isOidUpdated* - true or false.

oidStr* - OID String value.

isMonitorChanged* - true or false.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/updateDeviceTemplate?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&category=switch&vendor=3com&IconName=switch.png&isOidUpdated=no&oidStr=. 3500G-EI&pingInterval=60  
  updateProcessTemplateDetails POST Update Process Template details apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

templateName* - Process Template name

DISPLAYNAME - Process Template Displayname

DESCRIPTION - Process Template description

CPUTHRESHOLDVALUES - CPU Threshold value(Need to give the below CPU Threshold details in case customer wants to add CPU Threshold)

CPUTHRESHOLDCONDITION - CPU Threshold condition(Either >=,=,<=)



CPUFAILURETHRESHOLD - CPU failure threshold value

MEMTHRESHOLDVALUES - Memory Threshold value(Need to give the below CPU Threshold details in case customer wants to add Memory Threshold)

MEMTHRESHOLDCONDITION - Memory Threshold condition(Either >=,=,<=)

MEMTHRESHOLDUNITS - Memory Threshold unit(Either %/Bytes/KB/MB/GB)

MEMREARMVALUES - Memory Rearm value

MEMFAILURETHRESHOLD - Memory failure threshold value

ICTHRESHOLDVALUES - Instance count Threshold value(Need to give the below CPU Threshold details in case customer wants to add Instance count Threshold)

ICTHRESHOLDCONDITION - Instance count Threshold condition(Either >=,=,<=)

ICTHRESHOLDUNITS - Instance count Threshold unit(%)

ICREARMVALUES - Instance count Rearm value

ICFAILURETHRESHOLD - Instance count failure threshold value
  viewDeviceTemplate GET Provides information on the template associated to the device apiKey* - api key.

typeID* - Provide Type name.
  viewInterfaceTemplates GET View All interface templates apiKey* - api key.

typeName* - Template type name.
  getAssociatedCredentials GET Obtains information on the credentials associated to a device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* – Name of the device whose credentials need to be fetched.
  deletePerfomanceMonitors POST Deletes the performance monitor from the given device
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

name* – Name of the device whose credentials need to be fetched.

policyName* - Name of the performance monitor.
  updateFileFolderTemplate POST Update File/folder monitoring template
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

monitorId* - Monitor ID.

tempMoninterval* - Monitoring interval of the template.

tempDesc – File monitoring template description.

tempMonPath* - Monitoring file path.

protocol* - protocol of the device.

fileType* - File or Folder.

alertBasedType – Alert type ID (Critical, clear, info etc).

wildCard* - Wild card characters.

operation* - Operation of file monitoring template.

chksubfolder* - Check Sub folder (true or false).

tempName* – Template name.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/updateFileFolderTemplate?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&monitorId=64&fileType=FILE&tempDesc=TEST DESCRIPTION&tempName=FileTemplate OR http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/updateFileFolderTemplate&tempMoninterval=70&monitorId=68&tempMonPath=C:\WINDOWS&apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&protocol=WMI&tempDesc=TEST DESCRIPTION&fileType=FOLDER&alertBasedType=1&wildCard=*.*&operation=add&chksubfolder=false&tempName=FolderTemplate  
  editFileFolderTemplate POST Updates file/folder monitoring template
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

monitorId* - File monitoring ID.

monitorType* - Type of monitoring (FILE or FOLDER).
  deleteFileFolderTemplate POST Delete File/folder template
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

tempToDel* - Deleting file/folder template ID.
  saveFolderMonitorTemplates POST Updates folder monitoring template
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

tempName* - Name of the template.

tempMoninterval* - Template monitoring interval.

tempMonPath* - Monitoring file/folder path.

protocol* - Protocol of the device.

tempDesc* - Template description.

fileType* - File/Folder.

alertBasedType* - Severity of the alert raised.

wildCard* – Wildcard file type.

operation* – Operation to perform for the file/folder template.

chksubfolder* – Check sub folder (true or false).
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/saveFolderMonitorTemplates?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&tempMoninterval=15&tempMonPath=C:\WINDOWS&protocol=WMI&tempDesc=No Description&fileType=FOLDER&alertBasedType=2&wildCard=*.*&operation=add&chksubfolder=true&tempName=FolderTemplate  
  saveFileMonitorTemplates POST Updates File monitoring templates
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

tempName* - Name of the template.

tempMoninterval* - Template monitoring interval.

tempMonPath* - Monitoring file/folder path.

protocol* - Protocol of the device.

tempDesc* - Template description.

fileType* - File/Folder.

operation* – Operation to perform for the file/folder template.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/saveFileMonitorTemplates?tempMoninterval=15&tempMonPath=C:\classpathasdasd.bat&apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&protocol=WMI&tempDesc=No Description&fileType=FILE&operation=add&tempName=FileTemplate  
  showFolderMonitorTemplates POST Lists all folder monitoring templates
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  showFileMonitorTemplates GET Lists file monitoring templates
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  addScritpTemplate POST Add new script monitoring template.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

scriptTemplateName* - Script monitoring template name.

thresholdEnabled* - true or false.

troubleThresholdCond* - Trouble threshold condition.

commandLine* - Command to execute.

workingDir – Executing directory.

scriptBody – Body/Message of the script template.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/addScritpTemplate?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&scriptTemplateName=testing&thresholdEnabled=true&troubleThresholdCond=max&commandLine=cmd /c powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned .\${FileName}.ps1 ${DeviceName} ${UserName} ${Password} svchost.exe&workingDir=${TempDir}&scriptBody=if($args[1] -eq $null -or $args[2] -eq $null)  
  testNewScriptTemplate POST Tests new script monitoring template
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device for which the template is to be applied.

scriptTemplateName* - Script monitoring template name.

description* - Script template description.

interval* - Interval.

CommandLine* - Command to execute.

workingDir – Executing directory.

scriptBody – Body/Message of the script template.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/testNewScriptTemplate?deviceName=opman-k8r2s-64-2.testdomain.com&apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&description=v2&workingDir=${TempDir}&commandLine=cmd /c powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned .\${FileName}.ps1 ${DeviceName} ${UserName} ${Password} svchost.exe&interval=10&scriptTemplateName=testingnew&scriptBody=if($args[1] -eq $null -or $args[2] -eq $null)  
  testScriptTemplate POST Tests the script monitoring template
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the device.

scriptTemplateName* - Script template name.
  isScriptTemplateExists GET Checks whether the script monitoring template
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

scriptTemplateName* - Script template name.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/isScriptTemplateExists?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&scriptTemplateName=Cache Memory  
  deleteScriptTemplate POST Deletes the script monitoring template.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

scriptTemplateName* - Script template name.
  getScriptTemplateInfo GET Fetches script monitoring template information.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

scriptTemplateName* - Script template name.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getScriptTemplateInfo?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&scriptTemplateName=Cache Memory  
  addTrapParser POST Add Trap Parser apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

trapParserName* - Name of the trap parser.

version* - version (v1 or v2).
If version == v1
genType* : select gen type from genType lists
specType* : spec Type
oid* : Enterprise oid
If version == v2
oid* : Trap Oid

description - description

severity - OpManager Severity

message - Message

entity - Failure Component ($Source_$TrapName)_trap)

source - $Source or $Agent

matchCriteriaXML – Match Criteria (Should be given as xml format)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<MatchCriteria matchType="any" trapVersion="v1" >
<CRITERIA VarBindNo="0" MatchCondition="1" Message="sdasdas" />
<CRITERIA VarBindNo="0" MatchCondition="1" Message="sdsda" />

rearmCriteriaXML - Rearm Criteria (Should be given as xml format)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<RearmMatchCriteria matchType="all" trapVersion="v1" >
<CRITERIA VarBindNo="0" MatchCondition="1" Message="dasda" />
<CRITERIA VarBindNo="0" MatchCondition="2" Message="dsadas" />
  deleteTrapForwarder POST Delete Trap Forwarder apiKey* - api Key.

destHost* - Destination Host.

destPort* - Destination Port.
  deleteTrapParser POST Delete Trap Parser apiKey*- API Key to access your OpManager server.

trapParserName* - name of the trap parser
  disableTrapParser POST Disable Trap Parser apiKey*- API Key to access your OpManager server.

trapParserName* - name of the trap parser
  enableTrapParser POST Enable Trap Parser apiKey*- API Key to access your OpManager server.

trapParserName* - name of the trap parser
  getGenericTypes GET Get Trap Generic Types apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getGenericTypes?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getTrapForwarders GET List Trap Forwarders apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/getTrapForwarders?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getTrapParserInfo GET Get Trap Parser Details apiKey*- API Key to access your OpManager server.

trapParserName* - name of the trap parser
  isTrapParserExists GET Is Trap Parser Exists apiKey*- API Key to access your OpManager server.

trapParserName* - name of the trap parser
  startTrapForwarder POST Start Trap Forwarder apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/startTrapForwarder?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  stopTrapForwarder POST Stop Trap Forwarder apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/stopTrapForwarder?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  updateTrapForwarder POST Update Trap Forwarder apiKey*: API Key to access your OpManager server.

destHost* : Previous Destination Host

destPort* : Previous Destination Port

newDestHost* : new Destination Host.

newDestPort* : new Destination Port
  User Management    
  addUser POST Adds an user in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

userName* - User name

password* - password

privilege* - Privilege for the user. Following privileges are available
* Administrators - Full Access
* Operators - Restricted Access.

bvName - Provides access to the devices devices grouped in the specified business view. Multiple business views can be given by comma separated.

emailId - Email ID of the user.

landLine - Land line number of the user.

mobileNo - Mobile number of the user.

domainName - Name of the domain to which the user belongs to.
  changePassword POST Allows you to change the password of a user. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

userName* - User name.

userId* – User ID.

domainName - Name of the domain.

oldPassword* – old password of the user.

newPassword* – new password of the user
  deleteUser POST Deletes a user. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

userName* - User name
  listUsers GET Lists all users created in OpManager. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/listUsers?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  updateContactDetails POST Allows you to update the contact details of a user. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

userName* - User name.

userId* – User ID.

domainName - Name of the domain.

emailId* - emailid of the user.

phoneNumber – phone number of the user.

mobileNumber – mobile number of the user

  getAllDatastoreDetails GET Provides the Datastore ID, Host ID, and Datastore Name for all the datastores. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/device/getAllDatastoreDetails?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getAllHostDetails GET Provides Entity ID, MO_ID, MO_NAME, Entity_Name and Entity_ID for all the hosts apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/device/getAllHostDetails?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getAllVMDetails GET Provides Entity ID, MO_ID, MO_NAME, Entity_Name and Entity_ID for all the virtual machine apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/device/getAllVMDetails?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  getVirtualDeviceDetails GET Provides details about the Parent and Child relationship of the device associated with it. e.g. if we provided hosts means it will gives details about vCenter and VM/Datastore associated with that host. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the VM device
  getVirtualMachineInfo GET Provides VM CPU Usage, Powered ON/Off Status, System Uptime, Memory allocation etc.., apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

deviceName* - Name of the VM device
  listCCTVView GET Lists all the CCTV views
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  getCCTVView GET Gets CCTV view widgets/dashboards
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

cctvID* - cctv ID.
  deleteCCTVView POST Deletes CCTV view
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

cctvID* - cctv ID.
  addCCTVView POST Add new CCTV view

dashboardId* - dashboard ID.

cctvName* - name of the cctv.

cctvDescription* - CCTV id

time* - refreshing time interval
  getDashBoardsForCCTV GET Get dashboards for the given CCTV view
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

cctvID* - cctv ID.
  deleteWidget POST Deletes the widget in dashboard page
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

widgetID* - Widget ID
  embedWidget POST Embeds URL of a widget
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

regenerate* - true or false

height* - height of the widget

width* - width of the widget content
  showWidgets GET Display all available widgets in a dashboard
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  showDashboard GET Display dashboard contents
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

dashboardID* - dashboard ID.
  deleteDashboard POST Deletes a dashboard
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

dashboardID* - dashboard ID.
  updateDashboardLayout POST Updates dashboard layout
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

dashboardName* - name of the dashboard.

columnWidth* - width.

numberOfColumns* - Number of the columns.

dashboardID* - ID of the dashboard.

dashboardDescription – Description of the dashboard.
  editDashboardLayout POST Edit dashboard layout
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

dashboardID* - dashboard ID.
  createDashboard POST Creates new dashboard view
apiKey* - API Key to access to your OpManager.

dashboardName* - Name of the dashboard.

columnWidth* - column width

numberOfColumns* - number of columns.

selectedWidgets* - widget Ids

dashboardDescription – Description of the dashboard.
  getWidget GET Fetches all widgets available in the given dashboard
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

dashboardName* - dashboard ID.
  getWidgetData GET Displays the data present in the given widget
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

widgetID* - Widget ID
  getWidgetsList GET Fetches all widgets available in the given dashboard
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

dashboardName* - dashboard ID.
  editCCTVView POST Enables editing the CCTV view for configuring CCTV columns
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

cctvName* - Name of the CCTV view.

cctvDescription – Description of the CCTV view.

cctvID* - CCTV Id.

time* - Refreshing interval.

dashboardId* - Dashboard ID.
  getDashboardList GET Fetches all available dashboards
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
  Credential Manager    
  addSNMPV3Credential POST Add new SNMP V3 credential

apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

port* – Protocol port number.

authPwd* - Credential username.

privPwd* – Credential passoword.

update – true or false.

credentialName* - Credential name.

desc – Credential description.

privProtocol* – Type of encryption for the protocol.

username* - Username for the encryption.

retries* - Connection retries count.

contextname* - Context name.

timeout* - Connection timeout.

authProtocol* - Authentication protocol.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/admin/addSNMPV3Credential?apiKey=1d626117b2ac31145ce6bca49bb0458b&port=161&privPwd=privUser&update=false&credentialName=snmpV3credential&desc=v3 credential&privProtocol=DES&authPwd=authUser&username=auth&retries=1&contextname=authUser&timeout=10&authProtocol=MD5  
  addVMWareCredential POST Add new Vmware credential.

apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

username* - Username.

autovmdiscovery* - Auto-discovery (on or off).

update* - true or false.

credentialName* - Credential name.

timeout* - Timeout value.

password* - Credential password.

port* - Credential port number

desc – Credential description.
  addLinuxCredential POST Adds a Linux credential
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

update* - true or false.

pwpmt* - Prompt for password (true or false).

credentialName* - Credential name.

cmdpmt* - Command prompt (credentials).

protocol* - Protocol name.

username* - Username.

portno* - Port number.

logpmt* - Log prompt.

password* - Credential password.

cliTimeout* - CLI credential timeout.
  addWindowsCredential POST Add new windows credential.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

credentialName* - Credential name.

username* - Username (domainname\username).

password* - Password.
  addSNMPV1Credential POST Add new SNMP V1 credential.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

credentialName* - Credential name.

writeCommunity* - Write community password.

readCommunity* - Read community password.
  getWorkflowList GET Lists all the workflows associated to a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server. http://localhost:8060/api/json/workflow/getWorkflowList?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f  
  triggerWorkflow POST Allows to trigger a workflow on a device. apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.

workflowName* - Name of the workflow that has to be executed.

deviceName* -
Name of the device on which the workflow has to be executed.
http://localhost:8060/api/json/workflow/triggerWorkflow?apiKey=081c9ac51ba16ab061d5efee583dcd2f&deviceName=opman-k8r2s-64-3.testdomain.com&workflowName=Instant Device Check  
* Mandatory parameters
** Mandatory if Auto-login is enabled.
CMDB Plugin API Beta.
REST APIMethodDescriptionParametersSample URL
getCIList GET list all configuration item TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.
getAllChanges GET list all Changes TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.
getAllContracts GET list all Contract TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.
getAllPurchase GET list all Purchase TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.
getAllProblems GET list all Problem TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.
getCIInfo GET get details of configuration items TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.
getAssetRelationShips GET get Mapdetails of Relationship TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.
getHardwareDetails GET get details of ci Hardware

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ciID* - Configuration Item ID
getSoftwareDetails GET get details of asset - software

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ciID* - Configuration Item ID
getSystemDetails GET get details of asset - system

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ciID* - Configuration Item ID
getRPCDetails GET get details of asset associated - Request,change,problem

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ciID* - Configuration Item ID
getScanDetails GET get details of asset - Scan

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ciID* - Configuration Item ID
getContractsForAsset GET get details of asset associated contracts

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ciID* - Configuration Item ID
getCostDetails GET get cost details of asset

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ciID* - Configuration Item ID
getProblemsInfo GET get problem details

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ProblemID* - Problem ID
getProblemAnalysis GET get problem analysis details

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ProblemID* - Problem ID
getProblemSolution GET get solution details for problem

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ProblemID* - Problem ID
getProblemTask GET get task to be performed for problem

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ProblemID* - Problem ID
getProblemIncidents GET get associated incident/request for problem

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ProblemID* - Problem ID
getProblemHistory GET get problem history

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ProblemID* - Problem ID
getChangeInfo GET get change details

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

ChangeID* - Change ID
getContractDetails GET get Contract details

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

contractID* - Contract ID
getContractedAssets GET get asset associated with the contract

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

contractID* - Contract ID
getContractRenewal GET get contract renewal details

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

contractID* - Contract ID
getChildContract GET get child contarct details

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

contractID* - Contract ID
getPoDetails GET get purchaseorder details

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

PoID* - Purchase order ID
getInvoiceAndPayment GET get invoice and payments details of PO

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

PoID* - Purchase order ID
getPoRequest GET get Request associated with PO

TECHNICIAN_KEY* - API Key to access server.

PoID* - Purchase order ID

