As a result of the pandemic, the last two years saw a drastic increase in the demand for digital technology and cloud migration. When we surveyed over 350 CIOs and CTOs worldwide, we found that 54% of businesses worldwide are looking to spend the majority of their IT budget on cloud services and cloud migration. However, there is much more to digital transformation than just moving applications and servers to the cloud.
During the session, we aim to talk about the key benefits and challenges of digital transformation and how the role of IT has changed because of it. We will also talk about ManageEngine's ITOM solutions enabling digital transformation. This will definitely help your organization adopt the right digital transformation strategy.
Stephen Elliot
Stephen Elliot is the Group Vice President at IDC where he manages several programs including IT Operations, Enterprise Management, ITSM, Agile and DevOps, Application performance, Virtualization, Multi-Cloud Management and Automation, Log Analytics, Container Management, DaaS, and Software Defined Compute. He advises senior executives in the IT, business and investment industries in the creation of strategy and operational tactics that drive the execution of Digital Transformation and business growth.
Cyril Emmanuel G
Cyril Emmanuel, is a Senior Product Consultant for ManageEngine's ITOM solutions, that has helped NPMD, ITIM & APM teams in the Fortune 100 worldwide for 20 years. His in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by ITOps teams, and expertise in the solutions that help tackle these challenges places him in a unique position to share compelling details on the state of IT and how to be poised for success in an evolving world where IT drives business goals.