How you manage your IT can be the difference between your business’ success and failure. When your network starts to increase in size and spreads across multiple locations, it can introduce a lot of challenges. To thrive in today's market space, especially after the pandemic, the IT elements tied to your business must be monitored efficiently, yet differently—which is where IT operations (ITOps) management comes in.
The major roadblocks for enterprises while managing their ITOps are increased operating expenses (OPEX) and capital expenditures (CapEx) while scaling, reduced visibility without centralized management, decreased productivity while manually taking up processes that can be automated, non-adherence to internal and external compliance standards, hidden problems while integrating monitoring tools, and little to no accuracy in ITOps analytics, which affects capacity planning and load balancing. While overcoming these challenges is key, enterprises should also start embracing new digitization technologies to stay relevant, agile, and productive to sustain hybrid workforce conditions.
Get ready to accelerate your enterprise ITOps management by joining us in our free webinar.
[11.00am - 11.20am] | Pradeep will talk about:
[11.20am - 12.05pm] | Suresh Bagavathy will offer tips on:
[12.05pm - 12.50pm] | Sathyanarayan will share insights on:
[12.50pm - 01.00pm] | Live Q & A, fun polls
Tools Architect at Birlasoft
Birlasoft's Pradeep Patil is a tools architect with over 15 years of experience with large-scale deployments of enterprise IT tools. He is an expert in identifying solutions, blending them with existing processes, and optimizing them to achieve digital transformation. He will be joining ManageEngine as a guest speaker to emphasize how ManageEngine ITOM helps Birlasoft resolve its ITOM challenges in a distributed network. His insights combined with real-time scenarios will give you an idea on how your enterprise can obtain maximum benefits by deploying our solutions.
Senior Technical Evangelist at ManageEngine
Suresh Bagavathy is a senior technical evangelist at ManageEngine, a division of Zoho Corporation. In the last 13 years at ManageEngine, Suresh has given several talks and has led multiple training sessions at ManageEngine events while also putting his skills to use for product consultation and large-scale implementation of our solutions. Suresh also closely works with our technical support teams. He has helped customers with his technical know-how, which has also helped him understand what customers are looking for, and actively contributes to product management.
Technical Consultant at ManageEngine
Sathya is a technical consultant with the ManageEngine Applications Manger team. With over 10 years of expertise in technical support, he has conducted numerous training sessions, demos, and installation sessions on large-scale networks. He is also an expert speaker and shares valuable, up-to-date information on latest trends and best practices in hybrid cloud, database, and applications monitoring at international seminars and user conferences conducted by ManageEngine.