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According to a survey by Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), almost half (49%) of the employees worked from home or via a hybrid model, by the end of 2020. And, it is highly likely that this model will continue for a longer period. To support the hybrid workforce model, a lot of changes had to be done on the IT front. However, it was not an easy task for the IT team since the changes were involved at the access, edge, and infrastructure levels. Moreover, these changes were done ad hoc without thinking about the long term impact on performance and security. In this webinar, let's discuss the four R's needed to undo the existing complexities, and prepare a solid and secure IT to meet the future demands of the hybrid workforce.

  • Recover from the impact left by Covid on the IT workforce's productivity, connectivity, and security.
  • Replace band-aid solutions used during early stages of remote work, with sustainable solutions.
  • Remodel existing IT strategies by adopting Gartner's 'Anywhere Operations' approach.
  • Recognize areas that require digitization and cloud migration, to stay ahead of your traditional counter-parts.

What's in it for you?

  • Learning the evolution of hybrid IT workforce and the challenges it brings
  • Improving overall collaboration and connectivity to improve workforce productivity
  • Finding and resolving VPN, bandwidth, and configurations issues
  • Detecting applications at risks and uncovering vulnerabilities in the early stages
  • Securing your IT by monitoring firewalls and by adhering to compliance protocols
  • Minimizing migration risks in cloud adoption to keep up with the pace of digitization
  • Embracing new technologies such as SD-WAN, Zero Trust etc. for meeting long term demands

Featured Speaker

Suresh Bagavathy

Technical evangelist

Suresh Bagavathy is a technical evangelist. In his last 12 years with Zoho Corp, he has played a variety of technical and marketing roles. He now focuses on IT operations management. Suresh has been a keynote speaker at many international seminars and user conferences conducted by ManageEngine. He also loves sports and plays badminton whenever he gets a chance.

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