On-demand Webinar

Stop data breaches before they happen: Uncover dark web
threats with Log360



Cyber security specialist

Supply chain attacks are a growing concern, with Verizon's 2024 DBIR report stating that 15% of breaches involved a third-party or supplier. Did you know that your personal information, financial information, or credentials can be leaked in the dark web for sale? Attackers can then exploit these credentials, leading to data breaches.

Monitoring the dark web will provide visibility into leaked credentials and supply chain risks, allowing for proactive prevention of data breaches.

Why watch this webinar?

In the session, we will:

  • Help you understand dark web threats and their impact on your business.
  • Establish how Log360 can be your dark web monitoring solution and help you gain critical visibility into dark web threats.
  • Walk through a live demonstration of Log360's dark web monitoring features, show how to set up monitoring, view identified threats, and take action.

Through live demos, actionable
insights, and best practices, this
webinar equips you to:

  • Proactively identify exposed data and compromised credentials on the dark web.
  • Expedite threat detection and response times to minimize damage.
  • Strengthen your overall security posture and ensure your valuable data remains protected.

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