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Understanding the building blocks of a SIEM solution

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Presented by Abi,Product expert
  • Duration

    45 Mins

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Why watch this webinar?

One of the harshest realities of the cybersecurity world is that preventive measures, no matter how advanced, cannot entirely stop every attack from intruding your network. Time after time, security incidents on highly protected infrastructures have confirmed the need for a full time incident monitoring and response program, in other words, a security information and event management (SIEM) solution. SIEM functions as a single window for the security of your entire network— it brings logs together into a centralized location and restructures them into digestible format for examination.

However, it's really not that simple. There are multiple factors that need to be considered before implementing or purchasing a SIEM solution.

In this webinar, we will answer the following questions:

  • Do you really need a SIEM solution in 2021? Does business size or IT environment influence the effectiveness of a SIEM software?
  • What are the vital factors that should influence your decision of purchasing a SIEM software? For Eg: Scalability, license cost, lT environment compatibility?
  • Can ManageEngine Log360 be the perfect SIEM that solves your cybersecurity requirements?

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