Microsoft 365 Display Names and Powershell Attribute Names to be used while importing using CSV file.
Create shared mailboxes in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Name* | Specifies the unique name of the mailbox. |
Alias | Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient. Value should not contain white spaces. |
PrimarySmtpAddress | Specifies the primary return email address used for the recipient. If one is not provided, the value given for Name will be used as the email prefix. |
FirstName | Specifies the user's first name. |
LastName | Specifies the user's last name. |
DisplayName | Specifies the display name of the mailbox. |
Initials | Specifies the user's middle initials. The maximum length is 6 characters. |
ModeratedBy | Specifies one or more moderators for this group. A moderator approves messages sent to the group before the messages are delivered and it must be a mailbox, mail user, or mail contact in your organization. |
SendModerationNotifications | Specifies when moderation notification messages are sent.
ModerationEnabled | Specifies whether moderation is enabled for this recipient |
Company | Specifies the name of the company the user belongs to. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
Country | Specifies the country to which the user belongs. The maximum length is 128 characters. |
Set forwarding address to mailboxes
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Identity* | Specifies the group that you want to modify.You can use any values that uniquely identifies the group. For example: Name, Display name, Alias, Distinguished name (DN), Canonical DN, Email address, GUID |
ForwardToOption* | Specifies the type of the forwarding.Valid values are:
DeliverToMailboxAndForward | Specifies the message delivery behavior when a forwarding address is specified by the ForwardingAddress parameter. |
ForwardingAddress | Specifies a forwarding address for messages that are sent to this mailbox. (Mandatory for 'ToInternal' and 'ToExternal' option in 'ForwardToOption') |
Modify the naming attributes of mailboxes.
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Identity* | Specifies the mailbox that you want to modify. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox. |
Name | Specifies the unique name of the mailbox. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
Alias | Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient.The value of Alias can contain letters, numbers and the characters !, #, $, %, &, ', *, +, -, /, =, ?, ^, _, `, {, |, } and ~. Periods (.) are allowed, but each period must be surrounded by other valid characters (for example, help.desk).The maximum length of the Alias value is 64 characters. Value should not contain white spaces. |
ArchiveName | Specifies the name of the archive mailbox. |
SimpleDisplayName | Specifies an alternative description of the object. |
Clear mobile device data in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
DeviceId* | Specifies the identity of the device that you want to clear. |
NotificationEmail | Specifies the email address to which the device wipe confirmation will be sent. You can provide multiple email addresses separated by commas. |
Modify SMTP Address of Mailbox and Mail Users in bulk
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Name in Microsoft 365 | Header in CSV file |
UserPrincipalName* | Specifies the object that you want to modify. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox. |
Display Name | DisplayName |
First Name | FirstName |
Last Name | LastName |
Office | Office |
Mobile Phone | MobilePhone |
Title | Title |
City | City |
Country or Region | Country |
Department | Department |
Fax Number | Fax |
ZIP or Postal Code | PostalCode |
UserPrincipalName (UPN Prefix) | UPNPrefix |
Modify SMTP Address of Contacts in bulk
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Name in Microsoft 365 | Header in CSV file |
Identity* | Specifies the contact that you want to modify. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox. |
Display Name | DisplayName |
First Name | FirstName |
Last Name | LastName |
Office | Office |
Mobile Phone | MobilePhone |
Title | Title |
City | City |
Country or Region | Country |
Department | Department |
Fax Number | Fax |
ZIP or Postal Code | PostalCode |
Email Address (Prefix) | EmailPrefix |
Modify SMTP Address of Groups in bulk
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Name in Microsoft 365 | Header in CSV file |
Identity* | Specifies the group that you want to modify. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox. |
Display Name | DisplayName |
Email Address (Prefix) | EmailPrefix |
Type* | Specifies the type of the group.Valid values are:
Set Send On Behalf Permission of Groups in bulk
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Name in Microsoft 365 | Header in CSV file |
Identity* | Specifies the group that you want to modify. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox. |
Type* | Specifies the type of the group.Valid values are:
Create users in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Name in Microsoft 365 | Header in CSV file |
User name * | UserPrincipalName |
Display Name * | DisplayName |
First Name | FirstName |
Last Name | LastName |
Location | UsageLocation |
Office | Office |
Phone Number | PhoneNumber |
Title | Title |
State or province | State |
Mobile Phone | MobilePhone |
Street Address | StreetAddress |
City | City |
Country or Region | Country |
Department | Department |
Fax Number | Fax |
Alternate Mobile Phones | AlternateMobilePhones |
Alternate Email Addresses | AlternateEmailAddresses |
ZIP or Postal Code | PostalCode |
Password NeverExpires | PasswordNeverExpires |
Strong Password Required | StrongPasswordRequired |
Password | Password |
Force Change Password on Next Logon | ForceChangePassword |
Preferred Language | PreferredLanguage |
Modify users in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
UserPrincipalName* | Specifies the object's User Principal Name. This value is used to identify the user object that needs to be modified. |
FirstName | Specifies the first name of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
LastName | Specifies the last name of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
DisplayName | Specifies the display name of the user. The maximum length is 256 characters. |
Initials | Specifies the user's middle initials. The maximum length is 6 characters. |
Country | Specifies the country to which the user belongs. The maximum length is 128 characters. |
State | Specifies the state to which the user belongs. The maximum length is 128 characters. |
City | Specifies the user's city. The maximum length is 128 characters. |
StreetAddress | Specifies the physical address of the user. The maximum length is 1024 characters. |
PostalCode | Specifies the postal code of the user. The maximum length is 40 characters. |
PostOfficeBox | Specifies the user's post box number. The maximum length is 40 characters. |
Department | Specifies the department to which the user belongs. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
Office | Specifies the name of the user's physical office name. The maximum length is 128 characters. |
Company | Specifies the name of the company the user belongs to. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
DirectReports | Specifies the UserPrincipalNames of the employees reporting to this user. The user is also set as the manager for these employees. You can enter multiple values separated by a comma for DirectReports. |
EmployeeId | Specifies the user's employee ID. The maximum length is 16 characters. |
Manager | Specifies the User Principal Name of the user's manager. |
Title | Specifies the user's job title.The maximum length is 128 characters. |
PasswordNeverExpires | Specifies whether the user's password expires or not.
ForceChangePassword |
Fax | Specifies the fax number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
OtherFax | Specifies the alternate fax number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
PhoneNumber | Specifies the office phone number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
MobilePhone | Specifies the personal mobile number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
OtherTelephone | Specifies the alternate phone number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
HomePhone | Specifies the home phone number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
OtherHomePhone | Specifies the alternate home phone number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
Pager | Specifies the pager number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
Notes | Specifies additional information about the user. The maximum length is 1024 characters. |
WebPage | Specifies the URL of the user's webpage. The maximum length is 2048 characters. |
PhoneticDisplayName | Specifies an alternate spelling of the user's name that is used for text to speech in Unified Messaging (UM) environments. You can use this parameter when the pronunciation and spelling of the user's name do not match. The maximum length is 256 characters. |
SimpleDisplayName | Specifies an alternate description of the user when only a limited set of characters is permitted. The maximum length is 256 characters. The valid characters are:
AddToAdministrativeUnits | Specifies the ObjectIDs of the administrative units in which user will be added as a member. You can specify multiple values separated by a comma. Note: To modify this attribute, please enable REST API access in the product as it is supported only for REST API access enabled product accounts. Click here to know how to enable the REST API. |
AssistantName | Specifies the name of the user's assistant. The maximum length is 256 characters. |
DelegateSendAsPermissionTo | Specifies the mailboxes or groups that are to be delegated the Send As permission over the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
RevokeSendAsPermissionFrom | Specifies the mailboxes whose Send As permission will be removed from the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
DelegateMailboxPermissionsTo | Specifies the mailboxes or groups that are to be delegated mailbox permissions over the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
RevokeMailboxPermissionsFrom | Specifies the mailboxes or groups for which mailbox permissions will be removed from the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
DelegateMailboxPermissions | Specifies the mailbox permissions that are to be delegated to the objects specified in the DelegateMailboxPermissionsTo header.
RevokeMailboxPermissions | Specifies the mailbox permissions that are to be removed from the objects specified in the RevokeMailboxPermissionsFrom header
DelegateSendOnBehalfPermissionTo | Specifies the mailboxes or groups that are to be delegated the Send On Behalf permission over the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
RevokeSendOnBehalfPermissionFrom | Specifies the mailboxes or groups whose Send On Behalf permission has to be revoked over the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
AssignSendAsPermissionFor | Specifies the mailboxes over which the Send As permission will be assigned to the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
RemoveSendAsPermissionFor | Specifies the mailboxes whose Send As permission will be removed from the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
AssignSendOnBehalfPermissionFor | Specifies the mailboxes over which the Send On Behalf permission will be assigned to the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
RemoveSendOnBehalfPermissionFor | Specifies the mailboxes over which the Send On Behalf permission will be removed from the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
AssignMailboxPermissionsFor | Specifies the mailboxes over which the mailbox permissions mentioned in the AssignPermissions header will be assigned. |
RemoveMailboxPermissionsFor | Specifies the mailboxes over which mailbox permissions mentioned in the RemovePermissions header will be removed. |
AssignPermissions | Specifies the permissions that the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header has over the mailboxes mentioned in the AssignMailboxPermissionsFor header.
RemovePermissions | pecifies the permissions that the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header will lose over the mailboxes mentioned in the RemoveMailboxPermissionsFor header.
AutoReplyState | Specifies if auto reply is to be enabled or disabled for the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header.
InternalMessage | Specifies the message that is to be sent using auto reply to users inside the organization from the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
ExternalMessage | Specifies the message that is to be sent using auto reply to users outside the organization from the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header. |
SendExternalAutoReplyOnlyToContacts | Specifies if external auto reply is to be enabled only for contacts of the mailbox specified in the UserPrincipalName header.
Invite guest users in bulk using CSV.
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
InvitedUserEmailAddress* | Specifies the email of the user. This value is used to send an invitation.The maximum length is 256 characters. |
InviteRedirectUrl * | Specifies the redirecting URL when the user accepts the invitation. |
UserType * | Specifies the type of the user. The accepted values are "Guest" and "Member". |
Message | Specifies the body of the invitation mail that is sent to the user. |
CcRecipient | Specifies the cc recipient of the invitation mail that is sent. The maximum length is 256 characters. |
DisplayName | Specifies the display name of the user. The maximum length is 256 characters. |
FirstName | Specifies the first name of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
LastName | Specifies the last name of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
UsageLocation | Specifies the usage location of the user. |
Office | Specifies the location of the user's office. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
PhoneNumber | Specifies the office phone number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
Title | Specifies the user's job title.The maximum length is 128 characters. |
State | Specifies the state to which the user belongs. The maximum length is 128 characters. |
MobilePhone | Specifies the personal mobile number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
StreetAddress | Specifies the physical address of the user. The maximum length is 1024 characters. |
City | Specifies the user's city. The maximum length is 128 characters. |
Country | Specifies the country to which the user belongs. The maximum length is 128 characters. |
Department | Specifies the department to which the user belongs. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
Fax | Specifies the fax number of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
AlternateEmailAddresses | Specifies the other mails of the user. The maximum length is 256 characters. |
PostalCode | Specifies the zip or postal code of the user. The maximum length is 40 characters. |
PreferredLanguage | PreferredLanguage |
Manager | Specifies the User Principal Name of the user's manager. |
EmployeeId | Specifies the employee ID of the user. The maximum length is 16 characters. |
EmployeeType | Specifies the employee type of the user. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
CompanyName | Specifies the name of the company the user belongs to. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
MailNickName |
Specifies the nickname of a user's mail id. The maximum length is 64 characters. The valid characters are:
Create contacts in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Name* | Specifies the unique name of mail contact. |
ExternalEmailAddress* | Specifies the target email address of the mail contact or mail user. |
FirstName | Specifies the contact's first name. |
LastName | Specifies the contact's last name. |
DisplayName | Specifies the display name of the mail contact. |
ModeratedBy | Specifies one or more moderators for this mail contact. A moderator approves messages sent to the mail contact and it must be a mailbox, mail user, or mail contact in your organization |
Alias | Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient. Value should not contain white spaces. |
Initials | Specifies the contact's middle initials. The maximum length is 6 characters. |
ModerationEnabled | Specifies whether moderation is enabled for this recipient. |
SendModerationNotifications |
Company | Specifies the contact's company name. |
Title | Specifies the contact's title. |
PhoneNumber | Specifies the contact's office phone number. |
MobilePhone | Specifies the contact's personal mobile number. |
Fax | Specifies the contact's fax number. |
Department | Specifies the contact's department. |
Office | Specifies the contact's physical office name. |
StreetAddress | Specifies the contact's physical address. |
City | Specifies the contact's city. |
State | Specifies the contact's state. |
Country | Specifies the contact's country. |
PostalCode | Specifies the contact's postal code. |
Create distribution groups in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Name * | Specifies the unique name of the group. |
ModeratedBy | Specifies one or more moderators for this group. A moderator approves messages sent to the group before the messages are delivered and it must be a mailbox, mail user, or mail contact in your organization. |
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled | Specifies whether to accept messages only from authenticated (internal) senders. |
ModerationEnabled | Specifies whether moderation is enabled for this recipient |
DisplayName | Specifies the display name of the group. |
MemberDepartRestriction | Specifies the restrictions that you put on requests to leave the group |
BypassNestedModerationEnabled | Specifies how to handle message approval when a moderated group contains other moderated groups as members. |
Members | Specifies the recipients (mail-enabled objects) that are members of the group. |
MemberJoinRestriction | Specifies the restrictions that you put on requests to join the group.
Alias | Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient. Value should not contain white spaces. |
ManagedBy | Specifies an owner for the group. If you don't use this parameter to specify the owner when you create the group, the user account that created the group is the owner. |
PrimarySmtpAddress | Specifies the primary return email address that's used for the recipient. If not provided, value given for 'Name' will be used as email prefix for PrimarySmtpAddress. |
SendModerationNotifications | Specifies when moderation notification messages are sent.
Create mail-enabled security groups in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Name * | Specifies the unique name of the group. |
ModeratedBy | Specifies one or more moderators for this group. A moderator approves messages sent to the group before the messages are delivered and it must be a mailbox, mail user, or mail contact in your organization. |
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled | Specifies whether to accept messages only from authenticated (internal) senders. |
ModerationEnabled | Specifies whether moderation is enabled for this recipient |
DisplayName | Specifies the display name of the group. |
MemberDepartRestriction | Specifies the restrictions that you put on requests to leave the group |
BypassNestedModerationEnabled | Specifies how to handle message approval when a moderated group contains other moderated groups as members. |
Members | Specifies the recipients (mail-enabled objects) that are members of the group. |
MemberJoinRestriction | Specifies the restrictions that you put on requests to join the group.
Alias | Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient. Value should not contain white spaces. |
ManagedBy | Specifies an owner for the group. If you don't use this parameter to specify the owner when you create the group, the user account that created the group is the owner. |
PrimarySmtpAddress | Specifies the primary return email address that's used for the recipient. If not provided, value given for 'Name' will be used as email prefix for PrimarySmtpAddress. |
SendModerationNotifications | Specifies when moderation notification messages are sent.
Create Microsoft 365 group creation in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
DisplayName* | Specifies the name of the Microsoft 365 Group. The display name is visible in the Exchange admin center, address lists, and Outlook. |
Notes | Specifies the description of the Microsoft 365 Group. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks. |
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled | Specifies whether to accept messages only from authenticated (internal) senders. |
Owner | Specifies one or more owners for the Microsoft 365 Group. |
Members | Specifies the recipients (mail-enabled objects) that are members of the group. |
PrimarySmtpAddress | Specifies the primary return email address that's used for the recipient. If not provided, value given for 'Alias' will be used as email prefix for PrimarySmtpAddress. |
Name | Specifies the Name of the Microsoft 365 group.The value that you use for this is parameter is appended with an underscore character (_) and a short GUID value.
Note: You are allowed to provide either PrimarySmtpAddress or EmailAddresses parameter at a time. You cannot provide both.
EmailAddresses | Specifies all the email addresses (proxy addresses) for the recipient, including the primary SMTP address. |
Alias* | Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the Microsoft 365 Group. This value identifies the recipient as a mail-enabled object, and shouldn't be confused with multiple email addresses for the same recipient (also known as proxy addresses). A recipient can have only one Alias value. Value should not contain white spaces.
Note: You are allowed to provide either PrimarySmtpAddress or EmailAddresses parameter at a time. You cannot provide both.
AccessType | Specifies the privacy type for the Microsoft 365 Group. Valid values are:
ManagedBy | Specifies an owner for the group. If you don't use this parameter to specify the owner when you create the group, the user account that created the group is the owner. |
SendModerationNotifications | Specifies when moderation notification messages are sent.
Create dynamic distribution groups in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Name* | Specifies the unique name of the group. |
ModeratedBy | Specifies one or more moderators for this group. A moderator approves messages sent to the group before the messages are delivered and it must be a mailbox, mail user, or mail contact in your organization. |
ModerationEnabled | Specifies whether moderation is enabled for this recipient |
DisplayName | Specifies the display name of the group. |
Alias | Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient. Value should not contain white spaces. |
PrimarySmtpAddress | Specifies the primary return email address that's used for the recipient. If not provided, value given for 'Name' will be used as email prefix for PrimarySmtpAddress. |
SendModerationNotifications | Specifies when moderation notification messages are sent.
IncludedRecipients* | Specifies a filter that's based on the recipient type.
ConditionalCompany | Specifies a filter that's based on the value of the recipient's Company property. |
ConditionalDepartment | Specifies a filter that's based on the value of the recipient's Department property. |
ConditionalStateOrProvince | Specifies a filter that's based on the value of the recipient's StateOrProvince property. |
ConditionalCustomAttribute(1 to 15) | Specifies a filter that's based on the value of the recipient's CustomAttribute1 to CustomAttribute15 property. |
Create security groups in bulk using CSV
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
DisplayName* | Specifies the display name of the group. |
MailNickName* | Specifies the nickname of a mail. |
Description | Specifies the description of a group |
Modify groups in bulk
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Identity* | Specifies the group that you want to modify.You can use any values that uniquely identifies the group. For example: Name, Display name, Alias, Distinguished name (DN), Canonical DN, Email address, GUID |
Type* | Specifies the type of the group.Valid values are:
Add members to groups and also remove members from groups
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Identity* | Specifies the group that you want to modify.You can use any values that uniquely identifies the group. For example: Name, Display name, Alias, Distinguished name (DN), Canonical DN, Email address, GUID |
Type* | Specifies the type of the group.Valid values are:
Members* | This parameter is used to identify the members(users and groups). |
Operation* | Specifies the operation to be performed.Valid values are:
Modify group memberships in bulk for different types of groups.
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Members* | Specifies the users or groups that you wish to add or remove as members from a group.
Type* | Specifies the type of object you wish to import using the CSV. The valid values are:
Microsoft Teams Creation in Bulk
(Mandatory fields are marked by *)
Name | Description |
DisplayName * | Specifies the name of the team |
Description | Specifies the description of the team. |
Visibility | Specifies if the team is public or private. Users can join a private team only when the owner adds them to the team. |
Owner * | Specifies the owner of the team. |
AllowGiphy | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to share GIFs in the team chat. |
GiphyContentRating | The GiphyContentRating can be set to strict or moderate. If set as strict, they will be fully restricted from adult content GIFs. |
AllowStickersAndMemes | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to share stickers and memes in the team chat. |
AllowCustomMemes | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to upload photos and create custom memes to share in the team chat. |
AllowUserCreateUpdateChannels | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to create and update team channels. |
AllowCreatePrivateChannels | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to create private team channels. |
AllowUserDeleteChannels | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to delete team channels. |
AllowAddRemoveApps | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to add or remove applications in the team. |
AllowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to manage tabs in the team. They can create, update or remove tabs in the team. |
AllowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to manage connectors in the team. They can create, update or remove connectors in the team. |
AllowUserEditMessages | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to edit the messages that they have posted. |
AllowUserDeleteMessages | Enabling this setting will allow the team members to delete the messages that they have posted. |
AllowOwnerDeleteMessages | Enabling this setting will allow team owners to delete the messages that they or other members of the team have posted. |
AllowTeamMentions | Enabling this setting will allow the team to be mentioned (@team name) in the team chat. All the team members will be notified when mentioned. |
AllowChannelMentions | Enabling this setting will allow channels in the team to be mentioned (@channel name) in the team chat. All the team members who follow the channel will be notified when mentioned. |
AllowGuestCreateUpdateChannels | Enabling this setting will allow guests to create and update channels in the team. |
AllowGuestDeleteChannels | Enabling this setting will allow guests to delete team channels. |
Microsoft Teams Channel Creation in Bulk
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Name | Description |
DisplayName* | Specifies the name of the channel. |
Description | Specifies the description of the channel. |
Owner | Specifies the owner(object id) of the channel. It is mandatory for a private channel but not supported for a standard channel |
MembershipType* | Specifies the membership type of the channel.Valid values are:
Modify the custom attribute values of Microsoft 365 objects
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Identity* | Specifies the unique name of object. |
CustomAttribute1 to CustomAttribute15 | These parameters specify custom attributes. You can use these attributes to store additional information.Value should contain not more than 1024 characters. |
ExtensionCustomAttribute1 to ExtensionCustomAttribute5 | These paramenters specify custom attributes that store additional information. You can specify multiple values for these parameters as a comma delimited list. |
Modify the custom attribute values of groups.
(Mandatory fields marked by *)
Header in CSV file | Description |
Identity* | Specifies the group that you want to modify.You can use any values that uniquely identifies the group. For example: Name, Display name, Alias, Distinguished name (DN), Canonical DN, Email address, GUID |
Type* | Specifies the type of the group.Valid values are:
CustomAttribute1 to CustomAttribute15 | These parameters specify custom attributes. You can use these attributes to store additional information.Value should contain not more than 1024 characters. |
ExtensionCustomAttribute1 to ExtensionCustomAttribute5 | These paramenters specify custom attributes that store additional information. You can specify multiple values for these parameters as a comma delimited list. |
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