PowerShell scripts for Microsoft 365

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How to audit Microsoft Teams using PowerShell

Cmdlet: Get-Team

This cmdlet helps retrieve general information of all the teams in the organization. You can also query to fetch teams based on certain parameters such as User, Visibility, DisplayName, and more.

  1. Get-Team
  2. [-User <String>]
  3. [-Archived <Boolean>]
  4. [-Visibility <String>]
  5. [-DisplayName <String>]
  6. [-MailNickName <String>]
  7. [<CommonParameters>]

Generating information with PowerShell scripts may require you to have appropriate permissions. It can also be complex, time-consuming and error-prone. M365 Manager Plus helps simplify auditing Microsoft Teams with its preconfigured reports.

How can M365 Manager Plus help?

M365 Manager Plus offers you comprehensive reports that help audit different facets of Microsoft Teams in a few easy clicks. The results can be filtered to display only the required information.

You can also schedule specific reports to be generated on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can choose to be notified when the reports are generated and have them delivered straight to your inbox. The reports can also be exported to various formats, including CSV, XLSX, PDF, and HTML.

To list Microsoft Teams using M365 Manager Plus:

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. Go to Other Services in the left pane.
  3. Select Teams Reports > All Teams.
  4. Select the required Microsoft 365 Tenant from the drop-down box.
  5. Click Generate Now.

This report offers extensive information on all the teams in your organization. It shows details such as Display Name, Description, Owner, Visibility, Object ID, rules applied to a particular team and more. You can also choose filters to view only required information.

All Teams Report

You can also use M365 Manager Plus' auditing feature to audit Microsoft Teams events. Create your own audit profiles to audit specific events during certain time periods and configure alerts to be notified of the critical changes made in Teams.

To audit teams using M365 Manager Plus:

  1. Navigate to the Audit tab.
  2. Go to Microsoft Teams in the left pane.
  3. Select Microsoft Teams Events > Created teams or Deleted teams.
  4. Select the Period, Domains and Business Hours to generate the report.

Here are some M365 Manager Plus reports that can help audit Microsoft Teams.

  • Team Channels
  • Team Members
  • Team Sizes
  • Daily Teams User Count by Device Usage
  • Daily Teams Activities Count by Type
  • Daily Teams User Count by Activity
  • Teams User Daily Activity
  • Teams User Device Usage
  • Teams User Count by Device Type

To know more about auditing Microsoft Teams, click here.

Why businesses choose M365 Manager Plus?

What our customers say

  • We can now effectively reconcile which licenses we are using in the organization and assign the cost to the business unit. We were also able to identify a number of license changes that could be put in place that reduced our total Microsoft 365 spending.

    Timothy Ransom
    Group IT/IS manager at The Eclipse Group, United Arab Emirates

  • M365 Manager Plus is valuable to our future business and, most importantly, it allows me to keep improving the level of service we provide.

    IT infrastructure manager
    Sunstar Suisse S.A.

  • Our firm purchased ManageEngine M365 Manager Plus to help us protect our business from email-borne cyberthreats. We are absolutely satisfied with the features and ease of use. It has surpassed our expectations.

    Insurance agent
    Security and risk management Gartner review

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