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Microsoft 365 user account management

User account management in a smaller organization is easier than in a large enterprise that has a complex IT infrastructure. However, regardless of an organization's size, humans are typically the weakest links to an organization's security. Therefore, managing your users efficiently decides the strength of your security. Microsoft 365 account management is an easy task if you train your IT admins about their rights, privileges, and go-to do's and don'ts.

How M365 Manager Plus helps with user account management

Single user creation

Single user creation

A user account is essential for any user to be able to log in to Azure AD and access the resources in the domain. Using M365 Manager Plus, you can create a new user account in Azure AD, with all the relevant attributes, in a single step. Besides creating a user account, M365 Manager Plus also allows you to quickly assign users to groups, then provision them with a mailbox, license, and usage location.

Bulk user creation

Bulk user creation

Both Azure AD and M365 Manager Plus provide you with the flexibility to import bulk users from a CSV file. Import a CSV file containing the user details for creating multiple users in Microsoft 365.

User creation templates

User creation templates

M365 Manager Plus' user creation templates allow you to standardize the attributes involved in Microsoft 365 user creation, reducing it to a single-step process. You can pre-configure all the standard values and settings for users like password complexity, office address, group membership, and permission to resources, then delegate these templates to help desk technicians.

These templates help your IT admins save a huge amount of time and effort as they'll no longer have to apply the same value to each Microsoft 365 object individually.

Bulk user modification

Bulk user modification

Frequently occurring tasks like resetting passwords, blocking/unblocking users, and modifying user attributes consume too much of IT admins' time, especially due to how long lengthy PowerShell scripts take to execute.

Listed below are the key actions that can be performed using the Bulk User Modification feature of M365 Manager Plus.

  • Reset passwords - Import a list of users whose passwords you would like to reset, or search for specific users and reset their passwords manually. Enter a specific password, or let M365 Manager Plus assign a random password.
  • Block/unblock users - Block/unblock users either individually or in bulk.
  • Delete/restore users - Delete/restore users instantly from your Azure AD in bulk.
  • Set manager - Choose a Manager and assign the attribute to users in the chosen tenant.
  • Modify naming attributes - Import a list of users and select the naming attributes (first name and/or last name) that need to be modified.
  • MFA settings - Enforce/enable/disable MFA settings for Microsoft 365 users. You can also choose the "Allowed MFA" methods for these users and set a "Default MFA" method that can't be skipped by them.
  • Hard delete users - Delete users permanently from the recycle bin.
  • Change domain - Change the domain for your Microsoft 365 users in bulk.
  • Change UPN - Change the User Principal Name (UPN) of multiple users at once using CSV.
  • Change contact information - Change the address attributes of your Microsoft 365 users.
  • Change authentication information - Modify the authentication contact attributes (phone number, fax, and alternate email address) of M365 users in bulk.
  • Revoke Azure AD user refresh token - Revoke the Azure AD refresh token issued to applications for a user.

In addition to these account management features, M365 Manager Plus also provides you with an extensive set of preconfigured user reports to help you track all user activities with just a few clicks.

Effectively manage Microsoft 365 user accounts in your organization

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  1. What are the default Microsoft 365 management tools?
  2. How do I manage Microsoft 365 users?
  1. What are the default Microsoft 365 management tools?

    Microsoft 365 user accounts can be managed in multiple ways based on your tenant configuration. The following three ways are the default management options that become available with the purchase of Microsoft 365.

    1. Microsoft 365 admin centre lets you add/change users individually or in bulk.
    2. Azure Active Directory admin center has added features like self-service password reset, apart from adding and managing users.
    3. PowerShell scripts allow you to add users in bulk.
  2. How do I manage my Microsoft 365 users?

    Your organization's identity model determines how your Microsoft 365 users are managed.

    • Cloud-only identity - User accounts exist in an Azure AD tenant and can be managed using Microsoft 365 admin center, Azure AD admin center, or PowerShell.

      This would be suitable for small organizations that do not have an on-premises setup.

    • Hybrid identity - User accounts exist in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), with a copy of them residing in an Azure AD tenant. AD DS helps in the synchronization of user accounts with Microsoft 365. The synchronized user accounts in AD DS are managed on-premises.

      This would be suitable for large organizations that use AD DS or any other identity provider.

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