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AD reporting
  • ManageEngine User Academy

AD reporting 'on the move'

IT administrators are required to constantly keep an eye on their AD environment. Tasks such as, resetting passwords and unlocking user accounts, require immediate attention because any delay in performing them directly affects the users' and in turn the organization's productivity.

This is where ADManager Plus' mobile apps come in handy. Using ADManager Plus iOS and Android apps, you can breathe easy and view details about your AD users and computers any time, any place, via predefined reports. These reports can be generated in just a few taps on your mobile device's screen, without writing even a single line of PowerShell script. You can also manage AD users and computers 'on-the-fly' right from the reports.

ADManager Plus mobile apps offer the following preconfigured reports:

User reports

All users

This report is a quick snapshot of all the users present in your Active Directory environment. It generates details on all the AD users. You can perform the desired management operations such as disable, delete, and more on specific users in this report, as required.

Locked out users

The details of users who exceeded the number of allowed incorrect login attempts are listed in this report. It is generated by querying the attribute lockoutTime and verifying the domain's account lockout policy. As needed, you can also unlock the accounts of desired users right from the locked out users report.

Disabled users

The disabled users report provides the list of all the Active Directory user accounts that are disabled. The userAccountControl attribute is used to determine disabled users in the domain. In case some of these disabled users need to be enabled, you can easily do so in a matter of few clicks.

Password expired users

It is always important for an Active Directory administrator to be aware of the users whose passwords have expired. This report provides just that information. You can even reset the passwords of specific users in this report, right from the report, if needed.

Inactive users

The inactive users report generates a list of Active Directory users who have not logged on for a specific period of time (say 'n' days). It is generated based on the users' lastlogon attribute. As a security measure, these accounts can be disabled or deleted to avoid unauthorized access to your organization's data.

Computer reports

All computers

This report lists all the computers present in your Active Directory. While enabling you to get a quick view of your AD computer objects, it also lets you perform the desired management action-enable, disable, delete, and more-on selected computers in this report, with just a few taps on your mobile screen.

Disabled computers

The disabled computers report provides a list of all the computer accounts present in your Active Directory that are disabled. If you want to enable specific computers in this list, it can be accomplished effortlessly with the 'enable' option provided in this report.

Inactive computers

The computer objects that have not been logged on over a specified period of time (say 'n' days) are listed in this report. To prevent unauthorized access, you can disable or delete these accounts by selecting 'disable' or 'delete' from the options provided in the report.

Furthermore, ADManager Plus mobile apps offer other features like workflow management that can be used to view, manage, and execute AD task requests. The user management capabilities provided in these apps can be used to perform the following tasks in just a few taps on your mobile device's screen:

Demo Server Configuration for the App

Server :
Port : 80
Username: adminuser
Password: 123@admP

Scan this code to download the App

ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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