How to enroll Chrome Browsers in Chrome Enterprise using MDM?


Enrolling Chrome Browser in Chrome Enterprise using ManageEngine MDM on macOS involves creating a custom configuration profile and pushing the token file to your managed devices. Here's a general guide on how to do it:

  • Obtain the Chrome Enterprise Token
  • Create a configuration profile
  • Add a custom configuration
  • Specify the token file
  • Deploy the configuration profile


  • Obtain the Chrome Enterprise Token:
    Authorized partners: To be able to generate the enrollment token, your customers first need to accept the Chrome Browser Cloud Management License Agreement.
    1. Sign in to your Google Admin console using an administrator account.
    2. In the Admin console, go to Menu > Devices > Chrome > Managed browsers. If you signed up for Chrome Browser Cloud Management, go to Menu > Chrome browser > Managed browsers.
    3. At the top, click enroll.
    4. Click copy enrollment token to clipboard.
    5. Click done.
  • Create a configuration profile:
    Login to ManageEngine MDM and navigate to Device Management > Profiles.
    Sample XML:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
            		<string>Chrome Browser Settings</string> 
  • Add a custom configuration:
    Within the configuration profile, find the option to add custom configurations and create a custom configuration.
  • Specify the token file:
    Add a custom configuration setting to specify the location of the Chrome Enterprise token file by providing the enrolment token file.
  • Deploy the configuration profile:
    Save the configuration profile and deploy it to the managed MacOS devices.


Enrolling Chrome Browser in Chrome Enterprise using ManageEngine MDM on iOS involves modifying the app configurations and pushing the token file to your managed devices. Here's a general guide on how to do it:

  • Obtain the Chrome Enterprise Token
  • Find the app in app repository
  • Add the app configuration
  • Specify the token file
  • Deploy the configuration profile


  • Obtain the Chrome Enterprise Token:
    Authorized partners: To be able to generate the enrollment token, your customers first need to accept the Chrome Browser Cloud Management License Agreement.
    1. Sign in to your Google Admin console using an administrator account.
    2. In the Admin console, go to Menu > Devices > Chrome > Managed browsers. If you signed up for Chrome Browser Cloud Management, go to Menu > Chrome browser > Managed browsers.
    3. At the top, click enroll.
    4. Click copy enrollment token to clipboard.
    5. Click done.
  • Find the app in the App Repository:
    Search for the app in the App Repository.
  • Add the app configuration:
    Modify the App Configurations.
    Sample XML:
  •  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
  • Specify the token file:
    Add a custom configuration setting to specify the location of the Chrome Enterprise token file by providing the enrolment token file.
  • Deploy the configuration profile:
    Save the configuration profile and deploy it to the managed iOS devices.


Enrolling Chrome Browser in Chrome Enterprise using ManageEngine MDM on Android involves modifying the app configurations and pushing the token file to your managed devices. Here's a general guide on how to do it:

  • Generate the enrollment token
  • Add the app to App Repository
  • Assign the enrollment token to the app


  • Generate the enrollment token:
    1. Sign in to your Google Admin console using an administrator account (does not end in
    2. In the Admin console, go to Menu > Devices > Chrome > Managed browsers. If you signed up for Chrome Browser Cloud Management, go to Menu > Chrome browser > Managed browsers.
    3. At the top, click enroll.
    4. Click copy enrollment token to clipboard.
    5. Click done.
  • Add the app to App Repository:
    To add the app to App repository, follow these steps.
  • Assign the enrollment token to the app:
    1. Go to app configurations.
    2. Paste the enrollment token in its respective field generated in Step 1.
    3. Click Save.