Manage classroom mobility for K-12 and higher education. 

Mobility is revolutionizing education with digital textbooks and interactive learning modules. Mobile Device Manager Plus empowers K-12 and higher education institutions to manage mobility by providing a holistic and secure learning platform. 

This is possible by organizing mobile devices and their resource access by methodic device deployment, app management, and security policies for iOS, Android and Windows devices. K-12 and higher education organizations can now embrace all the mobility benefits - from recording lectures, collaborating classwork to conducting online tests.

Simplified device management.

  • Quick device enrollment. 

Deploy hundreds of devices campus-wide, after enrolling them with MDM. Mobile Device Manager Plus simplifies this process with Apple School Manager (ASM) and Apple Configurator for iOS devices and Android NFC and Samsung KNOX mobile enrollment for Android devices.

  • Manage shared devices.

Oversee multi-user devices easily by enforcing specific policies and restrictions while providing personalized setting and flexibility for students and faculty. Students can access their files from where they left off, just by entering their credentials on the device.

  • BYOD management.

Permit access to only those devices that are enrolled with MDM. For BYO devices, enrollment requests can be sent over emails. They can be grouped separately, with specific policies set for them.

Provisioning and restrictions.

  • Provision and protect devices effectively.

Secure devices in K-12 and higher education by allowing only MDM enrolled devices to access educational resources and networks like Wi-Fi and VPN. Geo-locate, remote lock/alarm lost devices. Restrict students from modifying device settings like factory reset, passcodes or installing new apps.

  • Provide admin controls to teachers.

Empower the teaching faculty with basic MDM admin controls like pushing apps to their class devices, remotely access specific devices and monitor the students' work.

  • Set global proxy. 

Direct internet access for managed devices through a secure proxy server. You can filter out all other web connections so students don't go overboard with the browsing.

  • Filter web content.

Prohibit inappropriate websites with adult content, torrent sites, and so on by blocklisting them. Or even better, provide access to only specific websites so your students don't get carried away.

Automated app distribution

  • Regulate apps for distraction-free classrooms.

Students need to have the right apps on their devices at all times. Distracting apps can be barred or devices can be locked to a single app. Limit distracting apps like camera, games, social networking and so on. Remotely push apps like test monitors, learning modules and so on to your students' devices.

  • Easy app purchases.

Purchase learning apps and ebooks in bulk for your K-12 school or educational institution with volume purchase programs for iOS and Android. Acquire or revoke app licenses based on the subject requirements.