Monitoring HP EVA

OpManager provides detailed availability, inventory, performance, and capacity utilization report for this fifth-generation, virtualized storage array. With LUN to VM mapping, gain a comprehensive overview of your HP EVA 3000,4000,5000,6000 and 8000 series storage arrays from a single console.

  • Array Stats
  • Capacity Forecasting
  • LUN to VM Mapping
  • Availability
  • Components

Monitor every virtual array stat with OpManager

Latency reports give you a consistent picture of your array's performance. Monitor array statistics like Latency,IOPS,Reads and Writes. You can even compare your HP EVA's IOPS stats with other devices to help you make better decisions during upgrades.

HP EVA disk performance

Capacity Summary and Forecasting Reports

Monitor storage capacity and utilization with capacity summary reports. It gives you the configured, used and free space info of your EVA storage arrays. You can also forecast the storage demand for the future using OpManager. This helps you to plan and justify your storage spending.

HP EVA capacity utilisation

HP EVA capacity forecast

LUN to VM Mapping

Debug performance degradation problems in HP storage arrays with ease now. OpManager maps your LUNs to their corresponding VMs. This helps you in identifying which VMs are directly affected if a particular storage sector goes bad.

LUN to VM map of HP EVA arrays

Availability Reports

Visibility into your entire storage environment is now possible. The availability reports will give you the status of your HP EVA storage arrays with MTTR and MTBF stats. The color coded interconnections will help you identify array availability issues in no time.

Availability of HP EVA storage arrays

Array Components

Monitor components of HP EVA storage arrays like Virtual disks, controller, port, disk group for their various performance parameters. This helps to drill down better for a performance bottleneck.

Components of HP EVA storage arrays

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