GDPR compliance is all about data protection.Prevent data breaches, protect user data, stay GDPR-compliant.

Data protection has become a major concern in the aftermath of 2017's cyber attacks. Maersk, Uber, and NHS have all fallen victim to overwhelming data breaches, and by May 25, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will drive costs of data breaches up with stricter regulations to ensure complete user privacy and data protection toward users' personal data.

Organizations need to employ the right GDPR data protection tools to improve data management, security, and compliance overall. Those that fail to do so will be required to pay up to 4 percent of their global turnover or €20 million as penalty should their users' data fall into the wrong hands. These rules, along with the eight individual rights of data subjects listed below, aim to protect individuals' data.

Individual rights of data subjects.

How can ManageEngine help improve your data protection strategy?

So far, all major cyber attacks have exploited network vulnerabilities to muddle organizations' productivity and deal extra damage through encrypted or stolen data. In fact, most vulnerabilities are only days old when attackers take advantage of them.

Managing all these complex and time-sensitive vulnerabilities in Windows, Mac, and Linux machines is already challenging and time-consuming. Things may get even trickier when GDPR data protection officers and IT administrators need to work together to manage third-party vulnerabilities in their network.

How Patch Manager Plus helps with GDPR data protection.

Updating your network patches periodically (and better yet, automatically) can help you prevent unforeseen data breaches and remote code executions. With Patch Manager Plus, you can automatically patch Windows, Mac, and Linux, as well as over 250 third-party applications right from one centralized location. Apart from automatic patch management, you can also scan your systems to identify platform-specific or malware-specific patches that require deployment.

Patch Manager Plus helps define your systems' health based on missing patches and generates reports on vulnerable systems as well as patches available in your network. With automatic patching in place, you'll be well on your way to protect customers' data and comply with the GDPR.

Download free e-book for a detailed breakdown on features that can help in GDPR compliance


Fully complying with the GDPR requires a variety of solutions, processes, people, and technologies. As mentioned above, endpoint security and management serves as the foundation for complying with the GDPR. Together with other appropriate solutions, processes, and people, endpoint management not only helps reinforce your IT security but also prevent data breaches. This material is provided for informational purpose only and should not be considered as legal advice for GDPR compliance. ManageEngine makes no warranties, express, implied, or statutory, as to the information in this material.