What's new in PAM360?

calendarTuesday, October 12, 2021clock11am – 12pm PST and GMT duration60 minutes


Shakthi Shankar
Customer success expert

As organizations increasingly embrace cloud adoption, DevOps automation, and IOT, the number of applications and devices requiring privileged access is constantly on the rise. Gone are the days when passwords were the sole key to the kingdom of critical corporate information. Today, the term "privileged identities" extends beyond passwords, collectively referring to all human and non-human identities—including SSH keys, SSL/TLS certificates, API keys, and so on.

Digital certificates are an important category of non-human privileged identities that encrypt web communications and facilitate identification and authorization of users to privileged systems. Despite their prevalence in encryption and user authentication, organizations seldom have a centralized certificate management strategy in place. Certificates are often requested and deployed as and when demands arise and tracked using homegrown tools like spreadsheets without any automations in place.

To address gaps in certificate management and enable a holistic management of all kinds of privileged identities, PAM360 provides dedicated, built-in modules for SSH key and SSL/TLS certificate management. The latest version of PAM360 brings a plethora of digital key and certificate management capabilities to the table that help IT administrators track and automate the entire life cycle of digital identities from a single pane of glass.

Tune in to our free webinar to learn about:

  • Enhancements to certificate discovery (UNC path, agent, and certificate re-discovery).
  • On-demand renewal of internal and public certificates.
  • Access control enhancements for key-based authentication.
  • Integration with Buypass Go SSL and ZeroSSL certificate authorities.
  • Integration with ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus.
  • A sneak peek into the new REST APIs added.

About the speaker

Shakthi Shankar
Customer success expert

Shakthi Shankar is a customer success expert at ManageEngine with more than 11 years of hands-on experience in the enterprise IT security domain. He provides assistance with implementation, training, and support to customers around the world. He is currently involved in educating ManageEngine PAM users on better leveraging their privileged access management implementation, and gathering their requirements to build new features in the product suite.


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