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Check the status of account lockouts and track their sources with a tool to examine locked out Active Directory (AD) user accounts.
Detect AD user account lockouts in real time with email and SMS alerts, reducing the time employees are locked out of their accounts.
Monitor mobile phone logins, RDP sessions, services, scheduled tasks, and more for stale credentials, and identify the source of account lockouts.
View reports on the status of every locked out account, the time at which the lockout occurred, and more with the account lockout examiner.
Identify negligent users, and even potential malicious insiders, by tracking abnormal lockout activities with user behavior analytics (UBA).
View reports with all the information required by help desk personnel to resolve account lockout issues faster and minimize service downtime.
Ensure top-level decision makers aren't locked out of their accounts for long by executing instant, tailor-made responses to lockouts.
Comply with GDPR, SOX, HIPAA, FISMA, PCI DSS, and GLBA regulations by ensuring that your AD lockout policy is enforced properly.
Maintain a clear audit trail of password resets, password changes, and account lockout sources to streamline forensic analysis of security incidents.