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Real-Time Windows DNS, AD Schema & Contacts Auditing

Windows DNS Auditing

In a corporate network, the Domain Name System (DNS) Infrastructure plays an intrinsic role which is often overlooked in-terms of security standing (public, internal / external namespace) within the Windows network environment. ADAudit Plus DNS auditing gives a clear view into the manual DNS / DHCP changes with detailed DNS audit reports on DNS nodes modification / removal, DNS zones addition / modification / removal along with the crucial DNS permission changes.

Real-Time DNS Changes Audit Reports

Windows Active Directory Schema, Configuration & Site Auditing

The schema is a very critical Active Directory component that defines all the objects and attributes that the directory service uses to store data. Each time the directory handles data, the directory queries the schema for an appropriate object definition before creating and storing the object. ADAudit Plus helps you audit the demanding Schema changes and Schema permission changes to avoid possible unpleasant Windows IT security scenarios by keeping a continuous track of all the authorized / unauthorized changes.

Also, Audit every Site changes in your Active Directory (represents the physical structure, or topology) and audit the Configuration changes and Configuration permission changes to monitor the Site details and modifications.

Real-Time Schema, Configuration & Site Changes Audit Reports

Windows Active Directory Containers & Contacts Auditing

Audit the default container objects (Domain, Builtin, Users, Computers), every created / modified / deleted containers, containers permission changes and PSO changes. Also, monitor the recently created / modified / deleted contacts.

Real-Time Containers & Contacts Changes Audit Reports

Windows AD & Servers Auditing Advantage using ADAudit Plus


Change Monitoring


Archive Data

In real-time track every AD object, file / folder access / modifications by Admin, Users, Helpdesk, HR etc. Archive AD event data for Security and Forensics.

Dashboard View


32 bit | 64 bit

Single view of all critical audit data for configured domains. Support for both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows platforms.

Reports & Alerts


Export Reports & Meet Compliance

View real-time pre-configured reports and set email alerting for changes to monitored AD objects. Meet PCI, SOX, GLBA, FISMA, HIPAA Compliance with audit reports in XLS, CSV, PDF and HTML formats.

IT Auditors


Important Features

Logins for IT Auditors with reports view only. Here, only the important features are listed, for the many, many more features experience an Online Demo of ADAudit Plus.

ADAudit Plus Trusted By

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