Event ID 4648 – A Logon Was Attempted Using Explicit Credentials
Event ID | 4648 |
Category | Logon/Logoff |
Sub-Category | Audit Logon |
Type | Success Audit |
Description | A logon was attempted using explicit credentials |
When an account logon is attempted by a process by explicitly specifying the credentials of that account, event 4648 is generated. This is usually generated by batch-type configurations. It is also generated periodically during normal operating system activity as a routine event.
This log data provides the following information:
- Security ID
- Account Name
- Account Domain
- Logon ID
- Logon GUID
- Target Server Name
- Additional Information (Target Server)
- Process ID
- Process Name
- Network Address
- Port
Why does event ID 4648 need to be monitored?
- To keep tabs on the processes reported in this event
- To monitor how and when a particular account is being used
- To monitor actions of high value accounts
- To detect anomalies and malicious actions
- To ensure non-active, external, and restricted accounts are not used
- To ensure that only white-listed accounts perform certain specific actions
- To enforce conventions and compliances
Pro Tip:
With in-depth reports, real-time alerts, and graphical displays, ADAudit Plus tracks successful logon attempts by local users, helping you meet your security, operational, and compliance needs with absolute ease.
Event 4648 applies to the following operating systems:
- Windows 2008 R2 and 7
- Windows 2012 R2 and 8.1
- Windows 2016 and 10
Corresponding events in Windows 2003 and before: 552.
Explore Active Directory auditing and reporting with ADAudit Plus.
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