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Change auditor for NetApp filers

Gain visibility into your NetApp storage devices with ManageEngine ADAudit Plus, a NetApp file auditing and reporting tool. Receive detailed reports on user activity in NetApp files and CIFS shares, analyze permission changes, and automate responses to security incidents.

Highlights of NetApp auditing with ADAudit Plus

Central NetApp filer auditing

Track who changes what, when, and from where by auditing every successful and failed NetApp file access attempt, including create, modify, move, rename, delete, etc.

Permission change tracking

Verify that business-critical files are appropriately secured by tracking permission changes and comparing access control list (ACL) values before and after the change was made.

NetApp CIFS auditing

Keep a close eye on employees accessing or modifying shared files and folders in your environment by auditing NetApp CIFS shares.

NetApp change reporting

Receive instant reports on all changes made to your NetApp filers, or configure schedules to receive periodic reports on the changes that are most important to you.

Ensure NetApp filer security and prove compliance

Instant alerts for critical events

Trigger instant email and SMS alerts for critical events like sudden surges in file activity or changes made by a specific user to an important file.

Automated incident responses

Mitigate the damage caused by insiders, ransomware attacks, and other security threats with automated, tailor-made responses to terminate user sessions, shut down machines, and more.

UBA-powered anomaly detection

Eliminate security blind spots and streamline the detection of malicious users by spotting anomalous user activity in your NetApp environment with user behavior analytics (UBA).

Audit-ready compliance reports

Prove compliance with multiple regulations including PCI DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, ISO 27001, SOX, GLBA, FISMA, and more with out-of-the-box reports.

A birds-eye view of NetApp filer auditing with ADAudit Plus

  • 1
    Track changes easily

    Maintain a clear audit trail, and receive detailed reports on every user activity in NetApp filers.

    NetApp auditing

    Track changes easily
    Maintain a clear audit trail, and receive detailed reports on every user activity in NetApp filers.

  • 1
    Analyze changed permissions

    View reports on permission changes with information on the values before and after the change.

    Permission change tracking

    Analyze changed permissions
    View reports on permission changes with information on the values before and after the change.

  • 1
    Detect incidents quickly

    Stay on top of critical events like NetApp filer changes after business hours, sudden spikes in file deletions, and more with instant alerts

    Instant email/SMS alerts

    Detect incidents quickly
    Stay on top of critical events like NetApp filer changes after business hours, sudden spikes in file deletions, and more with instant alerts.

  • 1
    Track changes easily

    Maintain a clear audit trail, and receive detailed reports on every user activity in NetApp filers.

    NetApp auditing

    Track changes easily
    Maintain a clear audit trail, and receive detailed reports on every user activity in NetApp filers.

  • 1
    Analyze changed permissions

    View reports on permission changes with information on the values before and after the change.

    Permission change tracking

    Analyze changed permissions
    View reports on permission changes with information on the values before and after the change.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

Streamline NetApp auditing and reporting with ADAudit Plus.

Get your free trialfully functional 30-day trial

Keep your Active Directory, Windows servers, and workstations secure and compliant with ADAudit Plus

Active directoryFile serverWindows serverWorkstation
Audit changes

Receive NetApp auditing notifications on changes occurring across both on-premises and Azure Active Directory.

Track user logons

Gain complete visibility into user logon activity, spanning from logon failures to logon history.

Troubleshoot account lockouts

Detect lockouts instantly and know their root cause by tracking down the source of authentication failure.

Monitor privileged users

Get a consolidated audit trail of administrator and other privileged user activities. 

Audit Windows servers

Monitor local logon/logoff activities; changes to local users, groups, user rights; and more.

Track employee productivity

See the amount of time employees spend at their workstations.

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