  • General Configuration
  • Virtual IP address settings
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Virtual IP address settings guide

Steps to configure ADAudit Plus to run on a specific virtual IP address:

  1. Create a virtual IP address on the machine where ADAudit Plus is running.
  2. Bind ADAudit Plus to that particular virtual IP address.
  3. Run Micorsoft's Internet Information Service (IIS) on that particular virtual IP address.
  4. Edit the port number in ADAudit Plus.

Create a virtual IP address on the machine where ADAudit Plus is running

  • Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network and Internet > View network status and tasks.
  • Right-click on the local area connection and select Properties.
  • Double-click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  • Select Advanced.
  • Under IP Addresses, click Add....
  • Set the desired virtual IP address in the Window that opens.
  • Click Add. Click OK to close all the windows.

Bind ADAudit Plus to that particular virtual IP address

A. Stop ADAudit Plus

  • To stop ADAudit Plus when it's running as an application, navigate to Start > All Programs > ADAudit Plus > Stop ADAudit Plus.
  • To stop ADAudit Plus when it's running as a service, navigate to Start > Run. Type in services.msc. Find ManageEngine ADAudit Plus from the list of services, right-click, and select Stop.

B. Take a backup of the system properties file

  • Navigate to the product installation folder.
  • Note: The default location of the ADAudit Plus installation folder is C:\Program Files <x86>ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus Plus\conf.
  • Make a copy of the file system_properties.conf and store it safely.

C. Edit the system properties file

  • Open the system properties file (located within the product installation folder) using a text editor of your choice. Add the below entry to the file. bindaddress = <ipaddress> e.g., bindaddress =
  • Save the updated system properties file.

D. Restart ADAudit Plus

  • Click Start > Programs > ADAudit Plus > Start ADAudit Plus. Ensure you can access the product by typing in the URL as <http://virtualipaddress/> e.g.,
  • Note: Follow the steps mentioned-below to ensure that IIS binds the specific virtual IP address to ADAudit Plus.

Run IIS on that particular virtual IP address

  • Click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.
  • ii. Execute the command netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=<Ip address>.
  • iii. Restart IIS.

Edit the port number in ADAudit Plus

  • Open the ADAudit Plus web console. Navigate to Admin > Connection > General Settings > Connection.
  • Uncheck Enable SSL Port [https]. Update ADAudit Plus port [http] to 80.
  • Update Enable SSL Port [https] to 443 and click Save.

Virtual IP address settings guide

Note: The changes will be reflected only when ADAudit Plus is restarted. Also, change the SSL port details as and when required.

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