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Windows File Server Scheduled Reports & Instant Alerts

The paramount monitoring features in Windows File Server Auditing, as to 'Who effected what change in the Windows File Server, when and from where'! For an administrator to be in the 'knowhow', he has to keep track of the changes and/or generate reports for Forensics. No-sweat with ADAudit Plus- Windows File Server Auditing! You can Automate Report Generation and have it right in your inbox.

Scheduled Email Reports

Scheduled Windows File Server Email Reports
Scheduled Email
Windows File Server Reports

Web-Based Reporting with 'Quick Search' option helps narrow the search by allowing you to enter known Attribute details for better management. Reports can be Scheduled and Emailed to recipients. Web-Based Report generation just got more personal with Filter-Based Event Tracking Reports!

Earmarked for an Administrator are comprehensive listings of critical events, painstaking detailed and packaged into 'Intelligent Reports', wherein the audit reports are displayed as easy to understand Graphs and Tables. The below defined Reports are self-explanatorily titled and are a delight to work on, en route to Compliance and to Secure & be Vigil on Enterprise Network Security!

  • Solve the 'Who-Did-It' with 50+ Windows File Server Event Search Attributes

    50+ Search Attributes

    How easy can it get than this? Solve the Who-Did-It Maze with an aerial overview monitoring with the 50+ Search Attributes.
  • Windows File Server Event scrutiny in the 10+ Pre-Configured Reports

    10+ Pre-Configured Reports

    'All audit Reports Lead to a Definite Conclusion' with the broadest of Windows File Server Event scrutiny tools in the 10+ Pre-Configured Reports- taking into account the events are presented as easy-to-understand comprehensive graphical display reports.
  • Windows File Audit Reports

    Track the A-Z of 'File' Read/Write/Access/Modifications with Reports traversing authorized changes to unauthorized changes!
  • File Server Based Reports

    Narrow the tracking of modifications to a particular File Server, saving you time and resources!
  • Know a user's File Server actions

    User Based Reports

    'Tagged' a user or for a specific Compliance purpose, be it what may! You will know a user's File Server actions in easy to understand Reports and Tables!
  • Audit Windows File Servers based on the Domain of your choice

    Profile Based Reports

    Audit File Servers based on the Domain of your choice, and choose from the numerous Audit Reports at your perusal.
  • My Reports

    The most critical File/Folders monitoring can be classified under 'My Reports'.

Instant Alerts- Windows File Server Events

Real-Time On-screen Alerts and instant emailing of Alerts to your inbox!

For the 'Distinguished' Files / Folders, Shares & Permissions; abusing it with unauthorized access would warrant an instant alert for immediate ceasefire to the 'unauthorized war' on File Servers, except here there is nothing formal in the ceasefire, except the trail left behind and the opportunity to act swift for better recoverability on assessing the damage.

Instant Windows File Server Email Notified/On-screen Alerts
Instant Windows
File Server Alerts
  • Email Notified Instant Alerts

    When on the move, administer the network-in-crisis with efficient authority with the required knowledge from the Instant Real-Time Alerts!
  • Browser Based Instant Alerts

    Get Instant Alerts right on your software for that added Network Security vigor to manage the File Servers!
  • In-depth Event Analysis

    Don't just get an Instant Alert, but expect a thorough Report on the Event generated, guiding you to react swiftly to the situation.

The many categorizations of the Scheduled Email Reports and Instant Alerts are to assist you in faster 'Intelligent Reporting' from amongst the broadest Windows File Server Auditing classifications possible! So, you are not left to choice but to 'Choose'.

Know about Windows File Server Failover Cluster Auditing...

ADAudit Plus Trusted By

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