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Script-free Active Directory group
membership reporting tool

Fetch over 25 AD group membership reports without any scripts using ADManager Plus,
a powerful GUI-based AD reporting tool.

Download now
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory group membership reports

Admins need to monitor Active Directory group membership to ensure users have access and permission to only the resources that they need. With ADManager Plus, instantly export all Active Directory groups and members, check all the AD groups, or list what AD groups a user is a member of without resorting to complex PowerShell scripting.

  • Why choose
    ADManager Plus to
    get group membership reports?
  • Schedule reports

    Schedule group membership reports and email them to admins, technicians, or managers automatically at regular intervals.

  • Export reports

    Easily export group membership reports in formats such as PDF, CSV, HTML, and XLS.

  • Fetch nested groups

    Group membership gets complicated when groups are added to other groups. ADManager Plus helps you track and monitor all the groups that are added to other groups (nested groups).

  • Search and sort the results

    Perform a quick search within the report and sort your results to organize the report. Check the Exclude Nested Groups box before generating the report in case you want to filter groups.

  • Customize column attributes

    In the column section, you can refine the report further by selecting the attributes that have to appear in the report. By selecting +Add Custom Attributes, you can configure custom LDAP attributes to be displayed in the report.

  • Member-based Reports
  • General Reports
  • Group Type Reports

Member-based Reports

  • Group Members
    Get details of the users in the selected group.
  • Users not in Groups
    Get the list of users who are not a part of the specified group.
  • Users only with Members of Domain users group
    Get the list of users who are only members of the Domain Users Group.
  • Groups without Members
    Find the unwanted groups in a particular domain.
  • Computers not in Groups
    Get the list of computers who are not a part of the specified group.
  • Detailed Group Members
    Get detailed information about specified Active Directory Distribution Groups and Security Groups along with their nested groups.

General Reports

  • All Groups
    Get the details of all the groups in the specified domain.
  • Recently Modified Groups
    Get the list of all the groups for which attributes were modified within a particular time period.
  • Top N Big Groups
    Get the details of the large groups in the domain based on its member count.
  • Unmanaged Groups
    Get the details of the groups that do not have managers.
  • Recently Created Groups
    Fetch the list of all the groups that were created during the specified time frame.
  • Recently Deleted Groups
    Identify all the groups that were deleted from Active Directory within a specific time span.
  • Managed Groups
    Get the details of the groups that have managers.

Group Type Reports

  • Security Groups
    Get the details of the security groups available in the selected domain(s).
  • Group Type and Scope
    Get details of groups based on their type and scope. The group type can be either Security or Distribution and its scope can be Global, Domain Local, or Universal.
  • Distribution Group
    Get the list of all distribution groups available.

Generate AD group reports
in seconds

Download now

How do Group Reports in ADManager Plus work?

Follow these simple steps to get reports on Active Directory group membership

  • 1. Select Domain and Groups
    Select Domain and Groups
    Choose which domain and groups you want to report on.
  • 2. Click Generate
    Active Directory detailed members group report generate
    The tool fetches the membership information for the selected groups.
  • 3. Customise the columns and export the report in multiple formats
    Active Directory group members report
    Add or remove column
    Export the reports as CSV, PDF, HTML, CSVDE, and XLSX.
  • 4. Perform management action from within the report
    Active Directory group members report
    You can perform management actions from within the reports.
    Click on More to get a printable view of the report and to edit the export setting.
  • 5. Generate a tree view of all the group members
    Active Directory group members report
    This shows the tree view of all the members of the group.
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5


Schedule ADManager Plus demo and try your hands on the product!

Live demo

How IT admins can utilize the group membership reports
in ADManager Plus

  • Scenario

    Your organization wants to generate a report containing users that are part of a particular group with a specific last logon time.


    With ADManager Plus' custom reports feature, you can create a custom report by filtering the group and the last logon time in just a few clicks.

  • Scenario

    You need to delete all the groups without members as a part of your AD cleanup.


    With ADManager Plus, you can generate a report of all the groups without users and delete those groups from within the report.

  • Scenario

    You want to generate a report to view the complete list of objects from a specific group along with its nested groups.


    View the nested groups and the list of objects of a specific group with the Detailed Group Members report in ADManager Plus.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3


of using ADManager Plus for generating reports on AD groups

  • Generate reports without scripts.
  • Instantly export reports.
  • Perform management operations from within the reports.
  • Create workflow request for group members from within the reports.

Monitor your Active Directory Groups with
ADManager Plus group membership reports


Other features


    Active Directory User Reports

    Exhaustive reporting on Active Directory Users and user-attributes. Generate reports in user-activity in your Active Directory. Perform user-management actions right from the report interface!

    Learn more  

    Active Directory Compliance Reports

    Active Directory reports to assist you for compliance to Government Regulatory Acts like SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, PCI, USA PATRIOT...and much more! Make your organization compliance-perfect!

    Learn more  

    Active Directory Management

    Make your everyday Active Directory management tasks easy and light with ADManager Plus's AD Management features. Create, modify and delete users in a few clicks!

    Learn more  

    Terminal Services management

    Configure Active Directory Terminal Services attributes from a much simpler interface than AD native tools. Exercise complete control over technicians accessing other domain users' computers.

    Learn more  

    Active Directory Cleanup

    Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

    Learn more  

    Active Directory Automation

    A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

    Learn more  

ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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