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User Reports
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory User Reports

Monitoring and analyzing changes in Microsoft Active Directory is one of the major challenges faced by any IT Administrator. User Reports from ADManager Plus give complete insight of the Windows Active Directory domain, having multiple Organizational units and numerous users, to monitor and manage the user account proactively and facilitating easy handling of this otherwise tedious and time consuming activity and also simplifies the process of creating reports.

While native AD tools leave you with no other choice except PowerShell and other scripting methods to build from scratch, every report that you need, ADManager Plus offers a comprehensive list of pre-built Active Directory User reports, for efficient, trouble-free management and reporting on user accounts, key attractions of which include:

  • Fully web-based intuitive UI.
  • Completely Customizable.
  • Instant Update / Modify options
  • Easy to generate / Schedule Reports / Automated Report generation.
  • Simple Table format.
  • Restriction of report generation to specific OUs.
  • Exportable in various formats (CSV, Excel, PDF, HTML, CSVDE).
  • Compliance Based ( SOX, HIPAA, etc)

User reports are important to get vital information like users with remote user logon permission, mailbox enabled users, OMA / OWA enabled users, etc. ADManager Plus features over 25 schedulable reports on user objects categorized into the following four major types:

General User Reports

Under General User Reports, the All Users report gives detailed information like creation, deletion of user accounts, group information, changes to the attributes, etc on all the users in the selected domain. To find the users having blank attribute values, the Users with Empty Attributes report can be generated. The history of the users' Recent Updates can be checked from Recently Created Users Report, Recently Deleted Users Report and Recently Modified Users Report. Specialized Reports to detect users with Logon Scripts and also the users without logon Script can be generated.

The photos of the users, if available, will be displayed in the All Users report. For this photo attribute to be fetched while generating the report, it can be customized to appear by using the Add/Remove columns option in the reports section. Thus along with other user attributes, the user photo will be displayed.

List of User Reports

  • All Users Report
  • Users with Empty Attributes Report
  • Users without managers Report
  • Manager based users Report
  • Users in more than one Group Report
  • Recently Deleted Users Report
  • Recently Created Users Report
  • Recently Modified Users Report
  • Dial-in Allow Access Report
  • Dial-in Deny Access Report
  • Users with Logon Script Report
  • Users without Logon Script Report
  • Lync Enabled Users
  • Lync Disabled Users
  • Photo-based reports

User Account Status Reports

Likewise, User account status reports category hosts specialized reports that extract details of disabled users, locked out users and user account expiry information. Reports on Account Expired Users, recently account expired users, user accounts that are soon to get expired, and those users whose accounts will never be expired can be maintained from this active directory user report set, which will help in easy administration and management of user accounts.

User Logon Reports

User Logon Reports maintain a history of User login Information. Reports on Inactive users (users who have not logged on for a certain period), Users who have logged on recently, users who have never logged on, enabled users, can be scheduled to be generated. The Logon Hour based report will give us a clear idea of the users who had logged on in a specified time frame.

Nested Users Reports

From the Nested Users Report, the group information of the user can be deciphered. Details relating to the Users in a particular group and also the details of the multiple groups the user belongs to can be understood from these reports.

Active Directory User Reports for SOX Compliance Audits

ADManager Plus can be an effective tool that can help you meet your Compliance Audit Requirements. A whole set of must have reports can be generated and can be used as a key resource for facing Compliance Audits. The list of active directory reports that are relevant to SOX Compliance are available in the SOX Compliance section.

Simplified AD administration through one-click reports with on-the-fly management.

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Other features

Bulk User Management

Fire a shotgun-shell of AD User Management Tasks in a Single Shot. Also use csv files to manage users. Effect bulk changes in the Active Directory, including configuring Exchange attributes.

Active Directory Logon Reports

Monitor logon activities of Active Directory users on your AD environment. Filter out Inactive Users. Reporting on hourly level. Generate reports for true last logon time & recently logged on users.

Active Directory Delegation

Unload some of your workload without losing your hold. Secure & non-invasive helpdesk delegation and management from ADManager Plus! Delegate powers for technician on specific tasks in specific OUs.

Microsoft Exchange Management

Create and manage Exchange mailboxes and configure mailbox rights using ADManager Plus's Exchange Management system. Now with support for Microsoft Exchange 2010!!

Active Directory Cleanup

Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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