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Office 365

Bulk user provisioning in Office 365

Bulk user provisioning in Office 365 using native tools or PowerShell is a complicated and cumbersome process that warrants a better approach. ADManager Plus is a web-based solution that lets you create multiple users in Office 365 with simple GUI-based actions. With ADManager Plus' Office 365 bulk provisioning features, you can easily create accounts in Office 365 for your Active Directory (AD) users or in both Office 365 and AD simultaneously.

Create users in AD and Office 365 simultaneously

Create users in AD and Office 365 simultaneously
CSV import options

ADManager Plus lets you create users in AD and Office 365 (and also Exchange Server, Skype for Business, and Google Workspace, if required), at once with GUI-based actions. While creating users, you can also assign the Office 365 licenses, if required.

The customizable user creation templates are extremely useful, as they let you specify details such as various attributes and Office 365 licenses, so you don't have to specify them again and again for every user (see figure 1). Templates also let you configure user creation rules to automatically assign specific Office 365 licenses to users during the account creation process based on predefined conditions. ADManager Plus' CSV import option lets you specify multiple users and their Office 365 license details easily via a CSV file (see figure 2). So, all you need to do is select the required template while importing the users' details via a CSV file.

Create Office 365 accounts for AD users

Create Office 365 accounts for AD users

ADManager Plus also lets you create Office 365 accounts for the users already present in your AD.

You can specify AD users by either importing a CSV file or by individual or bulk selection (via the check boxes next to each user). You can also easily locate a user by searching either their name or the name of their OU, as shown in figure 3. ADManager Plus effortlessly creates Office 365 users with required attribute values for all selected AD users.

You can assign Office 365 licenses either while creating users or at a later date.

About ADManager Plus

ADManager Plus is integrated software for Active Directory, Office 365, Exchange Server, Skype for Business, and Google Workspace management and reporting. It offers out of the box features that take a lot of the hassle of IT management away. Download a free 30-day trial now.

Manage Office 365 licenses in bulk with ADManager Plus.

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