Active Directory Explorer
The AD Explorer feature provides you with the Windows Explorer view of the AD objects of the selected domain. While the left tree lists all the AD objects, the top panel displays the Properties, Security, Entitlements (for users and groups) or Objects (for containers and OUs), and History of the selected object in the tree.
Properties: In this tab, you can access a list of details for the specified object. For users, this includes user-specific information, contact details, Exchange server details, LAPS details for computers and more. Group properties encompass group details and membership details, and for all other AD and Azure AD objects, their respective properties are displayed here as well.
Note: Update data from AD to ADManager Plus with the refresh button located in the top-left corner.
Security: This tab lists all the security permissions of the specified object along with the security principal and the scope of its application.
Entitlements: This tab lists the group membership and folder permission details of the specified user or group.
- Group Membership: View a list of all the groups that the specified object is a member of, including nested groups.
- File System Permissions: View a list of all the NTFS and DFS permissions associated with the specified object, including Access Hierarchy and Access Control Entries (ACE). You can also view which folders and subfolders these permissions apply to. The scan excludes inherited and orphaned permissions when checking for NTFS and DFS permissions.
- Delegated Permissions: View the list of direct, inherited, and delegated AD security permissions that a selected user has over AD objects.
Note: A section named M365 Entitlements will be available if the AD user also has an Azure AD account. This tab presents a list of Microsoft 365 groups the user is a member of, along with assigned licenses, roles, and mailbox permissions.
Objects: This tab is available when containers and OUs are selected, and it includes a list of users, groups, contacts, and other containers within it.
History: This tab displays a list of modifications made to the specified object using ADManager Plus, providing a detailed overview of attribute changes. You can also track actions taken by reviewers, approvers, and executors within the access certification campaigns, including approvals, rejections, or revocations, along with the corresponding date and time.