Step Wise Walk Through For Management & Reporting

  1. Configure the Server Settings rightly - specifying the Server Name / IP Address and the Port value.
  2. Enter the admin credentials to login to ADManager Plus Mobile app.
  3. In the home page, from the list of reports displayed, select the one that you wish to view.
  4. You will now be able to view the desired reports with the data that was obtained during the last time the report was generated.
    Please note: If you are generating a specific report for the first time then it might take an extra while for the application to fetch the data.
  5. At the top of the report, the domain on which this report was generated will be displayed.
  6. To change the domain, click the arrow and select the desired domain.
  7. To get the latest data, click the 'refresh' icon.
  8. To perform the default management action on ALL users/ computers in the report, click the 'management' icon (e.g., for disabled computers report, 'enable' is the default action).
  9. Click OK to confirm.
  10. To select only specific users/ computers,
    • Use the search option to locate the desired user/ computer. Or,
    • Select the check boxes next to the desired users/ computers.

Mobile access restriction

From ADManager Plus web console, you can now choose to restrict users to access the Android or iOS mobile app, for security reasons.

Note: Mobile access is enabled by default

Steps to change mobile app restriction settings

  1. Login to ADManager Plus web console.
  2. Navigate to Delegation → Configuration → Logon settings → General tab → Mobile Appliction Settings section.
  3. Using the checkbox, select Allow access from Android and/or Allow access from iOS as needed.

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