All Users
Provides the details of all the users of the selected domain(s). For the domains to be listed here, you should have added all the domains from the Domain Settings page.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute 'objectClass' set to 'user' i.e. 'objectClass=user'
To view the report, select the domian(s) and click Generate. You can select a specific OU in each domain to view users in it.
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Users with Empty Attributes
This reports enables the administrators to find the list of users who do not have any value specified for a particular attribute. Apart from the critical attributes, this report will also check the users' custom attribtues and fetch those users whose custom attributes are empty.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attributes "(!physicalDeliveryOfficeName=*)(!telephoneNumber=*)(!streetAddress=*)(!l=*)(!postalCode=*)(!homePhone=*))". Apart from this ADMP can also choose other attributes.
To view the report, select the domain(s), attribute, and click Generate.
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Users with Duplicate Attributes
Provides the details of all users in a domain, having duplicate attributes. This report is available under the General category of User Reports.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with duplicate attributes specified.
To view the report, select the Domain, Attribute (By clicking on) and click Generate.
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Users without Managers
This report enables the administrators to find the list of users who do not have any managers assigned to them.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute "(!manager=*)"
To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.
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Manager based Users
Provides the list of users that directly report to the user (Manager). The users listed as report are those that have the manager property set to this user.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute" (manager=CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=sample,DC=testdomain,DC=com)
To view the report, select the Domain, Manager, and click Generate.
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All Managers
Provides the list of Manager users in the domain.
To view the Report, Click Reports Tab → All Managers → Select the domain and then click Generate
Users in more than one Group
Provides the details of the users belonging to more than one group. The Member Of column in the reports provides the group names where the user is a member.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(memberOf=*))"
To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.
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Users in more than one Group
Provides the details of the users belonging to more than one group. The Member Of column in the reports provides the group names where the user is a member.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(memberOf=*))"
To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.
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Recently Deleted Users
Provides the list of user accounts that have been deleted recently. By default, AD maintains the deleted list for a period of 60 days, which can be extended to a max. of 120 days. The deleted user accounts shown in the report pertains to the max. period set in the AD.
How it works: The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute (&(objectClass=user)(isDeleted=TRUE))
To view the report, select the domains, specify the desired time period using the options provided (today, yesterday, on a specific date, before a specific date, after a specific date, last N days, this week, this month, any custom period, etc.), and click Generate.
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Recently Created Users
Provides the details of the user accounts created recently. This is determined based on the value contained in the whenCreated attribute.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute whenCreated.
To view the report, select the domain (s), specify the desired time period using the options provided (today, yesterday, on a specific date, before a specific date, after a specific date, last N days, this week, this month, any custom period, etc.), and click Generate.
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Recently Modified Users
Provides the details of the user accounts modified recently. This is determined based on the value contained in the ModifyTimeStamp attribute
How it works: The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute "(modifyTimeStamp>=20061221120200.0Z)"
To view the report, select the domain (s), specify the desired time period using the options provided (today, yesterday, on a specific date, before a specific date, after a specific date, last N days, this week, this month, any custom period, etc.), and click Generate.
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Photo Based Reports
This report helps you identify all the AD users for whom a profile picture has been uploaded or the ones who don't have a profile picture.
How it works : For 'Users with Photo' option, this report queries the LDAP for all the users who have the attribute 'thumbnailPhoto' configured. If the 'Users without Photo' option is selected, this report fetches all the users for whom the LDAP attribute 'thumbnailPhoto' is not configured.
To generate this report, click the AD Reports tab. Click the 'User Reports' link in the left pane. Under 'General Reports', click the 'Photo Based Reports' link. Select the required domains and the corresponding OUs, select the required option (Users with Photo/Users without Photo) and click the Generate button.
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Dial-in Allow Access
This report generates the list of users who have access to Dial-in.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(msNPAllowDialin=TRUE))"
To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.
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Dial-in Deny Access
This report generates the list of users who don't have access to dial-in.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(|(msNPAllowDialin=FALSE)(!(msNPAllowDialin=*))))"
To view the report, select the domain(s) and click Generate.
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Users with logon script
Logon scripts are those which run automatically when machine is turned on. This report generates the list of users who have been furnished with logon scripts.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(scriptPath=*))"
To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.
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Users without logon script
Logon scripts are those which run automatically when users machine is turned on. This report generates the list of users who do not have logon scripts.
How it works : The report is generated by querying the LDAP for all users with the attribute "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(scriptPath=*)))"
To view the report, select the domain (s) and click Generate.
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Lync Enabled Users
This report fetches all the users who have the Skype for Business or Lync Server communication enabled for them.
How it works : ADManager Plus checks the 'msRTCSIP-UserEnabled' attribute of users and displays all the users for this attribute is set as True.
To view the report, select the Skype for Business/Lync Enabled Users report from the list of General Reports in the User Reports section, select the required domains and OUs and click on Generate.
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Lync Disabled Users
This report fetches all the user accounts for whom the Skype for Business / Lync Server communication is disabled.
How it works : ADManager Plus checks the 'msRTCSIP-UserEnabled' attribute of users and displays all the users for whom this attribute is set as False.
To view the report, select the Skype for Business/Lync Disabled Users report from the list of General Reports in the User Reports section, select the required domains and OUs and click on Generate.
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