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Group Creation Templates can be customized as per the organizational needs to display or hide the specific tabs or attributes as required. It is also possible to add new tab or delete existing tabs. As with tabs, it is also possible to have only the required fields by deleting unused fields, add a field from another tab to the required tab using the 'drag-n-drop' option, or hide the field from being displayed to the users.
Enter a suitable name and description for the template and select the domain in which this specific template will apply. Add a new tab, delete an existing tab or hide a tab as per the requirement. Add, remove or hide fields as required. Then, enter the values for attributes and save the template. Instead of entering the values for all the fields one by one, you can use the settings of any group that already existing in the Active Directory using the copy group attributes option.
Click on "AD Mgmt" tab --> 'Group Management'
Click the Create New Template link available under Create Template. This opens the Create Template page.
Enter a name and give a suitable description for the template.
Click on 'Enable Drag-n-Drop' to be able to drag and drop the fields from the 'Field Tray' to the required tabs. For specifying the values for attributes, if you wish to use the settings of a group that already exists in the Active Directory use the copy group attributes option.