Service-Level Agreements in Workflow

    Service-level agreements (SLA) in workflow help you take appropriate actions on pending and time sensitive requests in the most efficient manner. While configuring a SLA in ADManager Plus, you can specify a condition based on which different levels of escalation can be triggered. In each level of the SLA, you can change priorities, get notified on the requests' status, re-assign requests and automatically close or cancel a request at defined time intervals, whenever a SLA is violated. For instance, you can create a SLA to send reminder notifications to reviewers on a day-to-day basis.

    To create a new SLA in ADManager Plus,

    1. Log in to your instance and navigate to the Workflow tab.
    2. In the left pane, under Configuration, click Service Level Agreements.
    3. Click + Add New SLA button to create a new SLA.
    4. In the page that opens up, fill in the following fields:
      • SLA Name: Enter a suitable name for the SLA.
      • Description: Provide a description for the SLA.
      • In the SLA Rule section, specify the condition(s) for which the SLA must be executed.
      • Response Time: Specify the time in days, hours or minutes, within which an action must be taken on the request.
      • In the Escalation section,
        • Toggle the Enable Level 1 Escalation button to enable Level 1 of the SLA.
        • Escalate after: Choose the time after which the actions configured under Level 1 escalation must be triggered.
        • Notification Template: Select a notification template from the drop down list and get notified when level 1 is activated. To learn how to configure a notification template, click here.
        • Notification Frequency: Select the frequency (once, daily, weekly or monthly) at which you would like to be notified from the drop-down list.
        • Click Action to configure the actions to be performed when level 1 of SLA escalation is triggered.
        • Reassign requests: Select the help desk technicians to whom you would like to reassign the request from the drop down list.
        • Change Priority: Change the request priority to normal, low, medium or high.
        • Change request status: Close/cancel a open request.
      Repeat the steps under 4e to enable escalation levels 2 and 3 and configure the actions to be performed when they're triggered.
    5. Click Create.
    Note: You can prioritize SLAs using the Prioritize SLA button in the Service Level Agreement Page. Click the Prioritize SLA button, drag and drop the SLAs and define their precedence.

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