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PowerShell for AD group reports

Real-time insights on group membership, type, and scope can help Active Directory (AD) administrators manage group objects better. Many administrators use Microsoft's PowerShell technology to run basic queries and pull detailed information. Below are some key PowerShell scripts and commands for generating AD group reports. Further below, you'll find a tool that makes reporting on AD groups even easier by helping you generate those AD reports in a cinch with an intuitive, unified web-console.

Group membership reports

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity administrators

Distribution group list

Get-ADGroup -Filter 'GroupCategory -eq 0' -Properties *

Distribution group members list

Get-ADGroup -Filter 'GroupCategory -eq 0' -Properties * Get-msoluser

Nested group reports

Limitation: Can not generate with a single cmdlet. A script has to be written for retrieving members and then consecutively retrieving groups for the result. After comparing the DN to eliminate duplicates the same process has to be repeated for each member of the selected group.

The ADManager Plus way

In organizations, it's a rarity to come across such simple straightforward scenarios like the ones listed above. Real use cases involve a multitude of things. Often, administrators need to program extensively in PowerShell, research syntax, and iterate multiple times for correctness; all these tasks can turn into a nightmare for administrators. PowerShell sure is empowering, but at what cost? Often, the cost of extensive scripting is prolonged work hours.

The biggest limitation to PowerShell reports is that they aren't actionable. AD admins need to get work done from a single window without having to toggle between multiple consoles.

Here's how you can save yourself from the burden and monotony of creating, testing, and executing unending lines of PowerShell scripts to generate reports on AD group objects.

Active Directory Group reports enable administrators to get a quick view of security groups, distribution groups, top groups in terms of objects, and so on, in just a few clicks. AD Manager Plus simplifies Active Directory reporting with GUI-based, schedulable reports.

ADManager Plus provides out of the box group-based reports, including recently created, modified, or deleted groups, which you can generate and export automatically or whenever you need them.

Get insights into group details based on the type and scope of the groups. Generate reports on the group type details, such as whether it is a security or distribution group, as well as the group scope (global, domain local, or universal).

Detailed Group Members Reports fetch the complete list of all the objects, such as users, groups, computers, and contacts, that are members of the specified Active Directory group or its nested groups.

Nested Groups Reports identify all the groups a user belongs to. For example, user John is a member of the Users group, which itself is a member of the Domain User Group. ADManager Plus, unlike native Active Directory tools or PowerShell, can drill down and specify that John is also a member of the Domain User Group.

Apart from pre-built group reports, ADManager Plus also provides user reports, computer reports, group policy objects (GPO) reports, and more for simplified and quick Active Directory reporting. With Exchange Server specific reports, ADManager Plus helps with Exchange reporting too.

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Manage Active Directory groups with script-free reports from ADManager Plus.

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