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Check Active Directory users' last logon date using ADManager Plus

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Logon Report
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Last logon time of Active Directory users

Administrators often find it difficult to identify the precise last logon time of Active Directory (AD) users. In most cases, when multiple domain controllers (DCs) are present in a domain, each of them may hold different last logon values for the same user, making it difficult to find the exact last logon date of a user. Additionally, using native AD tools and PowerShell to retrieve this information only adds to the complexity.

ADManager Plus—a comprehensive AD management and reporting solution—helps administrators easily retrieve the last logon date of AD users. With its predefined Real Last Logon report, ADManager Plus fetches and displays accurate last logon date of Active Directory users, overcoming the challenges associated with fetching this information across multiple DCs.

Real Last Logon report in ADManager Plus

The Real Last Logon report in ADManager Plus fetches and displays the last logon date and time of Active Directory users. This report aggregates the lastLogontimeStamp attribute of users from all DCs in the network and accurately identifies the most recent last logon for each AD user. With this report, administrators can also generate the last logon date for individual users in specific domains, groups, or organizational units.

An example of the Real Last Logon report in ADManager Plus, which fetches and displays the last logon dates of AD users

How the Real Last Logon report works

ADManager Plus queries each domain controller in your network, gathering data from the lastLogontimeStamp and logonCount attributes of users to present the last logon date of each user. This is essential because each domain controller maintains its own record of the attribute, which is updated every time a user logs in but is not replicated across the AD network. Once ADManager Plus retrieves these timestamps from all DCs, it compares and displays the last logon details of every user.

Highlights of using ADManager Plus to obtain the last logon details of Active Directory users

On the fly user management

Disable, delete, enable, or manage AD users based on their last logon date from the generated report itself.

Automated report generation

Gain continuous visibility into the last logon date of AD users by scheduling and generating the report at regular intervals.

Exportable reports

Export reports in various formats—such as CSV, PDF, and more—and meet audit requirements seamlessly.

Customized reporting

Customize the reports' results to contain only the required user attributes with just drag and drop actions.

Find the last logon time of Active Directory users with ADManager Plus

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    Active Directory Compliance Reports

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    Active Directory Management

    Make your everyday Active Directory management tasks easy and light with ADManager Plus's AD Management features. Create, modify and delete users in a few clicks!

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    Terminal Services management

    Configure Active Directory Terminal Services attributes from a much simpler interface than AD native tools. Exercise complete control over technicians accessing other domain users' computers.

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    Active Directory Cleanup

    Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

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    Active Directory Automation

    A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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