Azure Service Bus Monitoring (Classic) (Deprecated)

Warning: Azure Service Bus Monitoring is deprecated since May 24, 2017. Please use Microsoft Azure monitoring to monitor Azure Service Bus instead.
View list of deprecated/obsolete features in Applications Manager


Azure Service Bus is a cloud based messaging system for connecting applications, services and devices irrespective of their locations. Applications running on Azure, on-premise systems, or both, can commmunicate, message delivery can be managed and numerous applications can be accessed with minimum response time.

With Applications Manager's Azure monitoring tool, monitoring Azure Service Bus becomes more easier. Usage and throughput statistics of Queues, Relays, Topics, Event Hubs and Subscriptions are accurately displayed that help you track your connectivity and monitor the exchange of messages between various devices. Configure alarms for various metrics and get notified in case of irregularities and take necessary corrective actions.

Creating a new monitor

To add an Azure Service Bus Monitor for a Namespace, follow the steps given below:

  1. Enter the Subscription ID for your Microsoft Azure account.
  2. Enter the Service Bus Namespace to be monitored.
  3. Specify a Timeout interval in seconds.
  4. Specify the Polling Interval in minutes.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Azure Service Bus under the Middleware/Portal Table. Displayed is the Azure Service Bus bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab, gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Monitored Parameters

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed under the following tabs:

Monitor Information

Lists out all the basic details about the monitor like monitor name, associated groups, next poll time, last poll time etc. Custom fields can be added or removed from here.


Group/ Table Name Metric Description
Service Bus Namespace Configuration Namespace The Service Bus Namespace name.
Location The location/ region of the Service Bus Namespace.
Status Current status of the Service Bus Namespace. Can be one of the following values:
  • Active
  • Creating
  • Suspended
  • Deleting
Namespace Enabled Whether the Namespace is enabled or disabled.
Namespace Type
  • Messaging
  • Notification hub
Resource Group Specifies the Resource Group of the Service Bus Namespace.
Event Hub Enabled Specifies whether Event Hub is enabled or not.
Namespace Usage Queues Number of Queues being used.
Topics Number of Topics being used.
Subscriptions Number of Subscriptions being used.
Event Hubs Number of Event Hubs being used.
Relays Number of Relays being used.


Group/ Table Name Metric Description
Queue Usage Queue Specifies the Name of the Queue.
Used Percentage Specifies the percentage of space used in Queue.
Free Percentage Specifies the percentage of space free in the Queue.
Used Size (MB) Specifies the size used in the Queue in MB.
Free Size (MB) Specifies the free size in the Queue in MB.
Length Length of the Queue specifies the total number of messages in the Queue.
Active Message Count The number of active messages in the Queue.
Dead Letter Message Count The number of messages that are dead letters.
Scheduled Message Count The number of scheduled messages in Queue.
Transfer Dead Letter Message Count The number of messages transferred into dead letters.
Transfer Message Count The number of messages transferred to another Queue
Status Current state of the Queue entity.
  • Active
  • Disabled
  • SendDisabled
  • ReceiveDisabled
When the Queue is disabled, it cannot be used to send or receive messages.
Queue Throughput  Queue Specifies the name of the Queue.
Incoming Rate (Messages/Sec) Rate of incoming messages in the Queue.
Outgoing Rate (Messages/Sec) Rate of outgoing messages in the Queue.
Failed Requests Total number of requests failed.
Requests Failed Internal Server Errors Number of requests failed due to internal server errors.
Requests failed -Server Busy Errors Number of requests failed due to Server Busy errors
Requests failed -Other Errors Number of requests failed due to Other errors.


Group/ Table Name Metric Description
Topic Usage Topic Specifies the Name of the Topic
Used Percentage Specifies the percentage of space used in Topic.
Free Percentage Specifies the percentage of space free in the Topic.
Used Size (MB) Specifies the size used in the Topic in MB.
Free Size (MB) Specifies the free size in the Topic in MB.
Active Message Count The number of active messages in the Topic.
Dead Letter Message Count The number of messages that are dead letters.
Scheduled Message Count The number of scheduled messages in Topic.
Transfer Dead Letter Message Count The number of messages transferred into dead letters.
Transfer Message Count The number of messages transferred to another Topic.
Status Current state of the Queue entity.
  • Active
  • Disabled
  • SendDisabled
When the Topic is disabled, it cannot be used to send or receive messages.
Topic Throughput Topic Specifies the name of the Topic
Incoming Rate (Messages/Sec) Rate of incoming messages in the Topic.
Failed Requests Total number of requests failed.
Requests Failed Internal Server Errors Number of requests failed due to internal server errors.
Requests failed -Server Busy Errors Number of requests failed due to Server Busy errors
Requests failed -Other Errors Number of requests failed due to Other errors.


Group/ Table Name Metric Description
Subscription Usage Subscription Specifies the Name of the Subscription
Topic Specifies the name of the Topic to which the Subscription belongs.
Used Percentage Specifies the percentage of space used in Subscription.
Free Percentage Specifies the percentage of space free in the Subscription.
Used Size (MB) Specifies the size used in the Subscription in MB.
Free Size (MB) Specifies the free size in the Subscription in MB.
Length Length of the Subscription specifies the total number of messages in the Subscription.
Active Message Count The number of active messages in the Subscription.
Dead Letter Message Count The number of messages that are dead letters.
Scheduled Message Count The number of scheduled messages in Topic.
Transfer Dead Letter Message Count The number of messages transferred into dead letters.
Transfer Message Count The number of messages transferred to another Subscription.
Status Current state of the Queue entity.
  • Active
  • Disabled
  • SendDisabled
When the Subscription is disabled, it cannot be used to send or receive messages.
Subscription Throughput Subscription Specifies the name of the Subscription
Incoming Rate (Messages/Sec) Rate of incoming messages in the Subscription.
Failed Requests Total number of requests failed.
Requests Failed Internal Server Errors Number of requests failed due to internal server errors.
Requests failed -Server Busy Errors Number of requests failed due to Server Busy errors
Requests failed -Other Errors Number of requests failed due to Other errors.

Event Hubs

Group/ Table Name Metric Description
Event Hub Throughput Event Hub Specifies the name of the Event Hub.
Incoming Rate (Messages/Sec) Rate of incoming messages in the Event Hub.
Outgoing Rate (Messages/Sec) Rate of outgoing messages in the Event Hub.
Failed Requests Total number of requests failed.
Requests Failed Internal Server Errors Number of requests failed due to internal server errors.
Requests failed -Server Busy Errors Number of requests failed due to Server Busy errors
Requests failed -Other Errors Number of requests failed due to Other errors.


Group/ Table Name Metric Description
Listeners Listener Specifies the name of the listener.
RelayType Specifies the type of Relay used.Supported Relays are:
  • NetTcp
  • NetOneWay
  • Http
Listener Count Number of listeners for the particular Relay.
Relay Bytes The data size in bytes sent through the Relay.
Connection Attempts Specifies the number of connection attempts made by the listener.
Disconnects Specifies the number of disconnects by the listener. 
Already Exists errors Number of Already Exists errors.
Does Not Exist errors Number of Does Not Exist errors.
Internal Errors Number of Internal Errors.
Other Errors Number of Other Errors.
Quota Exceeded errors Number of Quota Exceeded errors.
Unauthorized Errors Number of Unauthorized Errors.
Availability Up- The listener is activeDown- The listener is inactive.