#This is a sample .csv file for bulk import of monitors.
#1. Header should start with #Header: followed by the Input Field names. It is already coded for you. Note: Do not modify the header.
#2. From the second line onwards, give the input values according to the column names in the header.
#3. You can remove the example entries in this file from the second line onwards and add your own monitor input information. You can add comments by including # symbol in the beginning of the line.
#4. Save the file in any computer but upload it to the Applications Manager webclient using bulk import monitor form.
#5. After uploading, click on Next, the entire monitor input information will be shown in a table format for your reference.
#6. If everything is OK, click on Start Discovery. The monitors will be scheduled for discovery. It would take few minutes to complete the process. When the monitors are scheduled for discovery, simultaneously the uploaded file will be deleted from Applications Manager (as this file contains security information).
#7. If you want to cancel the process in midway, delete the uploaded file from Applications Manager machine.
#8. Values with embedded commas can be given inside "".
#9. GCP Services: Select the GCP Service to be monitored(ComputeEngine/CloudStorage/CloudFilestore/KubernetesEngine).
#10.Project ID: Enter the Unique ID of the project to be monitored.
#11.OAuth Provider: Enter the ID of the OAuth Provider created for the selected project.
#12.Advanced Settings: Specify True if the options 'Action on Deleted Resources' and 'Stop Discovery' needs to be used. If False is selected the Options 'Action on Deleted Resources' and 'Stop Discovery' does not work.(True/False)
#13.Action on Deleted Resources: Select the action to be performed on deleted instances. Alert - To continue alerting. Stop - To stop alerts and stop affecting the health of the monitor. Unmanage - To unmanage the monitor and still keep in AppManager. Delete - To delete that monitor from AppManager console.
#14.Stop Discovery: Select True if you need to stop discovery for any service(True/False). If chosen Services to 'Stop Discovery is mandatory'.
#15.Services to Stop Discovery: Specify the service to stop discovery(ComputeEngine/CloudStorage/CloudFilestore/KubernetesEngine/False)
#16.ProbeServerID and ProbeServerGroupName can be specified only if bulk import is being performed from the Central Server in the Enterprise Edition.If these field values are not specified, then the new monitor will be added in the in least loaded Probe Server.
#17.The existing MonitorGroupID have to be specified and it will not create new Monitor Group if the ID specified is not existing.
#18.Field MonitorGroupID is Optional.
#19.PollInterval should be given in Minutes.
#20.If you want to discover child monitors at the specific time interval but not in every poll, then specify the discovery interval greater than poll interval. Discovery Interval should be given in minutes.
#Header:DisplayName,GCP Services,Project ID,OAuth Provider,Advanced Settings,Action on Deleted Resources,Stop Discovery,Services to Stop Discovery,Discovery Interval,MonitorGroupID,PollInterval

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