Memcached Servers

Creating a new Memcached monitor

Supported Versions: Memcached v1.2 to v1.6.

To create a Memcached database server monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on New Monitor link.
  2. Select Memcached under Cloud Computing/Virtualization category.
  3. Specify the Display Name of the memcached server
  4. Enter the HostName or IP Address of the host where Memcached server runs.
  5. Enter the Port where the server is running.
  6. If you want to enable Transaction test, select 'Yes' radio button, otherwse select 'No' button.
  7. Set the Polling Interval.
  8. If you are adding a new monitor from an Central Server, select a Probe Server.
  9. Choose the Monitor Group with which you want to associate the Memcached server to, from the combo box (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  10. Click Add Monitor(s). This discovers the Memcached server from the network and starts monitoring it.

Monitored Parameters

Memcached Servers are monitored based on the parameters or the attributes listed below. These attributes provide information about the functioning of the monitors of Memcached server. You can also configure thresholds to the numerical attributes monitored by the server based on these details.

  • Availability tab shows the Availability history of the Memcached server for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab shows the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the individual monitors listed to view the following information:

Monitor Details
Availability Shows the current status of the Memcached server - available or not available
Performance Status
Used Memory Specifies the used memory of the server in percentage
Free Memory Specifies the free memory of the server in percentage
Hit Ratio Refers to the hit ratio in percentage
Memory Utilization
Used Memory Specifies the used memory of the server in mega bytes
Free Memory Specifies the free memory of the server in mega bytes
Total Memory Specifies the total memory of the server in mega bytes
CPU Utilization
User CPU* Specifies the accumulated user time for a process in seconds
System CPU* Specifies the accumulated system time for a process in seconds
Cached Hits and Misses
Hits/min Number of keys that have been requested and found present per minute
Misses/min Number of items that have been requested and not found per minute
GET and SET Requests
Gets/min Number of retrieval requests per minute
Sets/min Number of storage requests per minute
Cached Items
Items cached Current number of items stored by server
Evictions Number of valid items removed from cache to free memory for new items
Network Traffic
Bytes Received Number of bytes read by this server from network per min
Bytes Sent Number of bytes sent by this server to network per min
Current Connections
Connections Number of open connections
Response Time
Response Time The time taken by Applications Manager to execute the STATS command on the memcached server
Version Version of Memcached server
SET-Time The time taken by Applications Manager to set the content on the memcached server
GET-Time The time taken by Applications Manager to fetch the content from the memcached server
DELETE-Time The time taken by Applications Manager to delete the content from the memcached server
Total Transaction Time The total time taken to connect to memcached server, set content, fetch content and delete content from the server

* - not supported in Memcached installed in Windows

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