#This is a sample .csv file for the bulk import of monitors. #1. The header should start with #Header: followed by the Input Field names. It is already coded for you. Note: Do not modify the header. #2. From the second line, enter the input values according to the column names in the header. #3. You can remove the example entries in this file from the second line onwards and add your monitor input information. You can add comments by including the # symbol at the beginning of the line. #4. Save the file on any computer but upload it to the Applications Manager web client using the bulk import monitor form. #5. After uploading, click on Next, the entire monitor input information will be shown in a table format for your reference. #6. If everything is OK, click on Start Discovery. The monitors will be scheduled for discovery. It will take a few minutes to complete the process. When the monitors are scheduled for discovery, simultaneously the uploaded file will be deleted from Applications Manager (as this file contains security information). #7. If you want to cancel the process midway, delete the uploaded file from the Applications Manager installed machine. #8. Azure Services - To monitor all the supported services, specify as 'All-Supported-Services' or for monitoring particular services specify the service name by refering the Module Types supported for Microsoft Azure. Refer the Module Type column in the help document (https://www.manageengine.com/products/applications_manager/help/discovery-filters.html#monitortypes) #9. Child Monitor Discovery are: 0, 1 and 2. 0 - Discover and unmanage 1 - Discover and monitor, 2 - Discover and monitor based on Regex #10. Discovery Filter Regex - This field is required only if Child Monitor Discovery is set to 2. Syntax: <Module Type>_<Attribute Name>=[Regex]. Attribute Names: Name, ResourceGroupName. Refer to the samples given below and the Microsoft Azure help documentation (https://www.manageengine.com/products/applications_manager/help/discovery-filters.html#monitortypes) to know more about the module and attribute types supported. #11. Advanced Settings - Possible values: true / false #12. Retry data collection API - Possible values: true / false. This field is considered only when 'Advanced Settings' is set as 'true'. #13. Alert on Resources Creation and Deletion - Possible values: true / false. This field is considered only when 'Advanced Settings' is set as 'true'. #14. Set health severity as - Possible values: Warning / Critical. This field is considered only when 'Alert on Resources Creation and Deletion' is set as 'true'. #15. Raise alerts when Resources are - Possible values: Created / Deleted / Both. This field is considered only when 'Alert on Resources Creation and Deletion' is set as 'true'. #12. Action on Deleted Resources - Possible values: Alert / Stop / Unmanage / Delete. #13. PollInterval should be given in minutes. #14. Values with embedded commas must be entered inside "". #15. The existing MonitorGroupID must be specified. New Monitor Groups will not be created if the specified Group ID does not exist. #16. Field MonitorGroupID is optional. #17. ManagedServerID and ManagedServerGroupName can be specified only if a bulk import is being performed in the Central Server of the Enterprise Edition. If these field values are not specified then the new monitor will be added to the least loaded Probe Server. #18. If you want to discover child monitors at the specific time interval but not in every poll, then specify the discovery interval greater than poll interval. Discovery Interval should be given in minutes. #Header: DisplayName,Subscription Id,Azure Services,Account Type,Discovery Mode,User Email,Password,Directory (tenant) ID,Application (client) ID,Client Secret Value (Application Key),OAuth Provider,Child Monitor Discovery,Discovery Filter Regex,Advanced Settings,Retry data collection API,Alert on Resources Creation and Deletion,Set health severity as,Raise alerts when Resources are,Action on Deleted Resources,Services to Stop Discovery,Timeout,Discovery Interval,MonitorGroupID,PollInterval #AzureMonitor1,aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee,"All-Supported-Services",AzureGlobal,AzureSPApp,,,aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee,aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee,aaaaaaa.bbbbbb~ccccc~ddd-eeeee~fff,-1,0,VirtualMachines_Name=APM.*&&VirtualMachines_ResourceGroupName=APP.*,true,false,true,Warning,Created,Alert,,300,60,30 #AzureMonitor2,aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee,"VirtualMachines,StorageAccounts,PremiumStorageAccount,SQLDatabases,KubernetesServices,LoadBalancer,AzureAppService,AzureVirtualNetwork,AzureMySQLServer,AzureNetworkInterface",AzureGovCloud,AzureOrgAccount,aaa@bbb.ccc.com,password,,,,-1,1,"VirtualMachines_Name=apm.*,StorageAccounts_Name=^.*diag",false,true,true,Critical,Both,Stop,,300,60,30 #AzureMonitor3,aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee,"VirtualMachines,StorageAccounts,SQLDatabases,KubernetesServices,ServiceBus,AzurePostgreSQLServer,AzureVirtualNetwork,AzureMySQLServer,AzureNetworkInterface",AzureChina,AzureOAuth,,,,,,10000000,2,"PremiumStorageAccount_ResourceGroupName=premium.*,KubernetesServices_Name=apm.*,StorageAccounts_Name=^.*diag",true,false,false,Critical,Deleted,Unmanage,,300,60,30
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