RUM Dashboard

Applications Manager's RUM dashboards help you understand your user interactions in your web applications at a single glance. You can obtain a holistic view about the status of your Real User Monitoring applications using our customizable dashboard. RUM dashboard lists all your active, inactive applications along with the ones that are in Critical, Warning or Clear state. Details of every aspect of your web applications can be assessed using various tabs in the page.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on Real User Monitor under the Web Server/Services table. Displayed is the Real User Monitor bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab gives the Availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab gives the Health Status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Following are the list of metrics shown in the Real User Monitor in their corresponding tabs:

Note: Real User Monitor does not show ISP and Region details by default. A third-party geolocation API needs to be purchased and configured in RUM agent to obtain the data. Learn more


Parameter Description
Summary Report - World View - Displays a real-time graphical representation of the overall Apdex score, average response time, page views, and global error count. Users can select a country from the dropdown menu to view summary reports for that specific location.
Apdex Score Apdex is a measure of response time against a set threshold. It measures the ratio of satisfactory response times to unsatisfactory response times. The Apdex Score is calculated using the following formula:
Avg. Response Time The average response time is defined as the time between issuing a web page request to the system until the page is visible to the user (in ms).
Page Views Number of times the users have visited the web page.
Throughput The number of requests served per minute for the chosen time frame (in cpm).
Error Count Total number of errors occurred in the webpage.
Response Time
Redirection Time The measurement of how long it takes the site to redirect from one URL to another before the page is fetched.
DNS Time The time taken to resolve the URL domain name to the IP address.
Connection Time Server Connection Time is the interval between the time that a user initiates a request and the start of fetching the response document from the server. This includes time spent on redirects, domain lookups, TCP connects and SSL handshakes.
First byte Time The total time between establishing a connection to the server until the first response starts coming in for the page (in milliseconds).
Server Time The server request processing time.
Document Download Time The time for the browser to download the complete HTML document content.
Page Rendering Time The total time between opening a page (opening a new URL, clicking a link, opening a new workflow or refreshing a page) and the availability of a page on the browser.
Document Rendering Time The time for the browser to build the Document Object Model (DOM).
Overall Response Time The total response time is defined as the time between issuing a web page request to the system until the page is visible to the user (or the time taken for an application to complete an activity)


Parameter Description
Summary Report - World View - Displays a real-time graphical representation of the overall Apdex score, average response time, page views, and global error count. Users can select a country from the dropdown menu to view summary reports for that specific location.
Geographic Summary
Country The country where the End User/Client is located.
Apdex Score Apdex is a measure of response time against a set threshold. It calculates the ratio of satisfactory response times to unsatisfactory response times.
Avg. Response Time Average time taken by the application to respond to the request from the location (in ms).
Page Views Number of times users have visited the web page from the specified location.
Throughput The number of requests served per minute for the chosen time frame (in cpm).

Note: Click on the name of a Country to view a graphical representation of its response time and throughput, and delve into the statistics of its regions with the Country Summary.

Country Summary
Region Name The region where the End User/Client is located.
Apdex Score Apdex is a measure of response time against a set threshold. It calculates the ratio of satisfactory response times to unsatisfactory response times.
Avg. Response Time Average time taken by the application to respond to the request from the location (in ms).
Page Views Number of times users have visited the web page from the specified region.
Throughput The number of requests served per minute for the chosen time frame (in cpm).


Parameter Description
Response Time By ISP - Displays a graphical representation of the list of ISPs with respect to their response times.
ISP Summary
ISP Name The name of the Internet service provider.
Avg. Response Time Average time taken by the application to respond to the request from the ISP (in ms).
Total Count Number of times users have visited the web page from the ISP.
Throughput The number of requests served per minute for the chosen time frame (in cpm).


Parameter Description
Response Time By Browser - Displays a graphical representation of the list of browsers with respect to their response times.
Browser Usage Split Up - Displays a graphical representation of the list of browsers with respect to their usage.
Browser Summary
Browser Name The name of the browser.
Avg. Response Time Average time taken by the application to respond to the request from the browser (in ms).
Total Count Number of times users have visited the web page from the browser.
Throughput The number of requests served per minute for the chosen time frame (in cpm).

Click on the browser name to view the graphical representation of the response time and the throughput for that browser along with its version details.

Device Type

Parameter Description
Response time by Device - Displays a graphical representation of the list of devices with respect to their response times.
Device Usage Split Up - Displays a graphical representation of the list of devices with respect to their usage.
Top Viewport Visual area of the webpage on a browser.
Connection Type Type of connection used to establish connection with the server.
Device Memory Amount of memory present in the device (in GiB).
Device Summary
Device Name The name of the device.
Avg. Response Time Average time taken by the application to respond to the request from the device (in ms).
Total Count Number of times users have visited the web page from the device.
Throughput The number of requests served per minute for the chosen time frame (in cpm).

Click on the device name to view the graphical representation of the response time and the throughput for that device.

Web Pages

Parameter Description
Web Transactions
Transaction Name The name of the transaction.
Avg. Response Time Average time taken by the application to respond to the request (in ms).
Total Count Number of times users have visited the web page.
Throughput The number of requests served per minute for the chosen time frame (in cpm).
Avg. Page Size Average size of the webpage (in kB).

Click on the transaction name to view the summary of the key performance metrics (like Apdex score, Response Time, Page Views, and Throughput) for that transaction along with the details of their corresponding Ajax calls.

User Sessions

Parameter Description
Avg. Pages Navigated Average number of pages that were navigated during the session.
Avg. Viewing Time Average amount of time for which the pages were viewed during the session (in ms).
Total Users Total number of unique users visited the web page.
Active Sessions Total number of Active sessions
Live Sessions Total number of Live sessions
Total Sessions Total number of sessions that are established.
User Sessions
Start Time Timestamp at which the session was started.
User ID Unique Identifier used to identify the user.
User Name Name of the user establishing the session. Refer here to know more about how to capture user name using API support in Real User Monitor.
Browser Name Name of the browser from which the session was established.
Device Name Name of the device from which the session was established.
Country Name of the country from which the session was established.
Pages Navigated Number of pages that were navigated during the session.
Viewing Time Amount of time for which the pages were viewed during the session (in ms).

Click on the session to view the summary of the session details (such as User Name, Start Time, and User Experience Status) and the list of transactions present in that session along with their corresponding response time split-ups.

Note: Applications Manager now offers support for differentiating RUM user sessions as Active, Live and Expired. Learn more


Parameter Description
First Party / Third Party / CDN Resources
Domain Name Name of the domain for which the request has been sent.
Avg. Resource Size Average size of the resource (in kB).
Avg. Response Time Average time taken for the domain to respond (in ms).
Total Count Total number of resources present in that domain.

Click on the arrow adjacent to the domain name to view the graphical representation of the response time and the total count for the different types of resources (XHR, JS, IFRAME, IMG, CSS, etc.) available in that domain.

Ajax Calls

Parameter Description
Ajax Calls
Transaction Name Name of the transaction.
Avg. Response Time Average time taken by the application to respond to the request (in ms).
Total Count Number of times users have visited the web page.
Throughput The number of requests served per minute for the chosen time frame (in cpm).
Avg. Resource Size Average size of the resource (in kB).
1xx Number of Information responses.
2xx Number of Successful responses.
3xx Number of Redirection messages.
4xx Number of Client Error responses.
5xx Number of Server Error responses.

Click on the transaction name to view the summary of the key performance metrics (like Apdex score, Response Time, Page Views, and Throughput) for that Ajax transaction.

JavaScript Errors

Parameter Description
Errors Total number of errors occurred.
Pages Total number of pages in which the error has occurred.
Files Total number of files in which the error has occurred.
Users Total number of affected users for which the error has occurred.
Errors vs Affected Users Graph - Displays a graphical representation of users and the corresponding errors with respect to their total counts.
JavaScript Errors
Errors Displays complete details about type of JavaScript errors, the URL location of the error and the timestamp of its last occurance along with their count.
Type Displays the list of error types occurred along with their error count.
File Displays the list of files in which the error has occurred along with their error count.
Page Displays the list of pages in which the error has occurred along with their error count.
Browser Displays the list of browsers in which the error has occurred along with their error count.
User Displays the list of affected users for which the error has occurred along with their error count.
Domains Displays the list of domains in which the error has occurred along with their error count.

Click on the JavaScript Errors to get details about the error like the list of files, pages, browsers, devices, and users where the error exists, along with their corresponding timestamps.

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