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Your guide to all-in-one
Application Performance Monitoring

Synthetic Transactions
Cloud Services
Virtual Machines

Customer reviews

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    Applications Manager helped me discover and resolve previously unknown, intricate issues faster.

    Atlantic Health System
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    Applications Manager is one of the best products I have seen and worked on. Highly recommended.

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    Applications Manager is very intuitive to use, and our external customers like it very much.



Get real-time insight into all the resources running in your business infrastructure, as well as the relationships between them. Measure performance statistics in real3¾4time, and ensure uninterrupted application delivery


Gain insight into the performance of your applications3¾4by deep-diving into code-level statements. Set dynamic alert thresholds on key application performance metrics. Track and optimize application performance by capturing transactions across every tier of your application stack.3¾4


Prioritize the severity of problems, and get notified immediately3¾4in case of performance bottlenecks.3¾4Drill down to the root cause of issues and resolve them before end users are affected.3¾4


Simplify performance optimization by turning raw data into actionable insights. Plan capacity & make educated decisions about resource allocation. Leverage machine learning enabled analytics to get better insight into future growth and utilization trends of all the applications in your network.

You'll be in great company

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