
    Removing Assets from Static Group


    You can remove assets from a static group but you cannot remove resources from a dynamic group. Removing assets from the static group can be performed in two ways,

    1. From the list view page of the Static Group, or

    2. While editing a Static Group.


    Removing Assets from the Static Group list view page


    To remove assets from the list view page of the Static Group,

    1. Click Assets tab in the header pane.

    2. Click Groups in Assets block on the left hand side of the page.

    3. Click Manage Group link.

    4. From the Manage Group window, click the static group. The list of assets grouped to the selected static group is displayed.

    5. Select the check box beside the asset name to remove from this static group.

    6. Click Remove from Group button. The selected assets are removed from the list.


    Removing assets while editing a static group


    To remove assets from the static group while editing,

    1. Click Assets tab in the header pane.

    2. Click Groups in Assets block on the left hand side of the page.

    3. Click Manage Group link.

    4. From the Manage Group window, click edit link beside the static group.

    5. In Resources in group block, select the check box beside the resource name to remove from the static group.

    6. Click Remove button. The selected assets are removed from the list.


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