The Endpoint Central Agent can be uninstalled in many ways. However it is important to note here that agent uninstallation is only recommended in cases where you want to remove old agents (agents that are no longer in contact with the server)and not in scenarios where there is a communication issue or an upgradation failure.
You can uninstall agents from machines using the Endpoint Central Server by navigating to the Agent tab --> Scope of Management --> Computers --> Uninstall Agent.
By clicking on Uninstall agent, you will only be able to uninstall agents from machines where the status of the agent is live.
Note: Uninstalling an agent from the console using the Uninstall Agent option is different from removing the computers using the Remove Computers option.The agent will be uninstalled on-demand when you click Uninstall Agent. If you are removing a computer, the agent uninstallation will only be reflected in the next refresh policy.
You can restrict agent uninstallation and agent service from the Endpoint Central Server console by following the steps mentioned below:
To configure OTP for agent uninstallation, log in to the Endpoint Central Server console and navigate to Agent --> Agent Settings --> Agent Protection Settings.
After enabling the settings, you will see that the restrictions will be enabled in the control panel. (The restrictions will be applied during the 90 minutes refresh cycle)
When you are trying to uninstall the agent from the control panel, you will be required to enter the TOTP.
To view the TOTP from the console, log in to the Endpoint Central web console and navigate to Agent --> Computers --> View OTP.
Note: If the restriction is not enabled in the Endpoint Central Server, you can directly uninstall the agent from the control panel.
To know more about uninstalling an agent using the GPO tool, click here.
You can uninstall an Endpoint Central agent using the IP tool. To know more, click here.
To know how to uninstall an agent using the AgentCleanupTool, click here.
To know how to uninstall an agent via intune, click here.