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Block external storage devices by executing custom scripts on Linux machines


The usage of USB devices is inevitable in any organization. Data portability perks come as a package with the threat of data theft and malware injection. Hence, blocking the usage of USB devices fortifies the network from incidents of data breach.

Endpoint Central offers several configurations to help you safeguard the Linux machines in your network. This document provides you with steps on preventing the usage of unauthenticated storage devices and obtaining a report on the same by executing custom script configuration.


Download the applicable tool from below. You'll need the contents of this file for both block and unblock operations.

  • For Intel/AMD machines -
  • For ARM machines -

Note: All USB storage devices will be blocked

Steps to block storage devices:

  1. Create Linux custom script configuration under Linux Configurations and select the command line option. For this, navigate to Configuration > Configurations > Linux > Custom Script > Computer
  2. Enter the following text in the Command Line field: chmod +x dcwrapperusb; ./dcwrapperusb
  3. Add the following dependency files:usb.json, dcusbagent, dcwrapperusb, dcusbreport.
  4. Deploy the configuration.

Block USB Configuring

All USB storage devices have been blocked successfully

Steps to Unblock storage devices:

  1. Create Linux custom script configuration under Linux Configurations and select the command line option. For this, navigate to Configurations > Configuration> Linux > Custom Script > Computer
  2. Enter the following text in the Command Line field: chmod +x dcunblockusb; ./dcunblockusb
  3. Add the following dependency files: dcunblockusb, dcusbreport.
  4. Deploy the configuration.
    Block Report USB Configuring

All USB storage devices have been unblocked successfully.

To Obtain a report of blocked and unblocked devices

To generate the report, copy the query text here and go to Reports > Query Reports > New Query Report. Paste the text in the query field and Run the report. This will show you the list of blocked and unblocked devices.

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