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How do I exclude a computer from receiving a user-confirmation message before connecting remotely to it?


You can send users a message asking for permission to connect remotely to their computers. However, if there are certain computers to which you do not want to send a user-confirmation message, you can exclude them from receiving a user-confirmation message. When you exclude computers from receiving user-confirmation messages, you can connect to them immediately, without an approval from the user. This document provides steps to exclude a computer from receiving a user-confirmation message before connecting remotely to it.


To exclude a computer from receiving a user-confirmation message before connecting remotely to it, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click the Tools tab
  2. Click Remote Control
  3. Click the User Confirmation tab
  4. In the Exclude Computers section, click Add Computers
  5. Filter computers as required. For example, you can filter the computers by domain
  6. Select the computers that should not receive a confirmation message before you connect remotely to them
  7. Click OK

These settings will be effective only when you check the User Confirmation checkbox.

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