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How to install Secure Gateway in Windows Server Core?


This document will walk you through the steps required to install Secure Gateway in a Windows Server Core environment.

Installation Steps

Note : This is applicable for Secure Gateway build number #90058 and above
    1. Open command prompt in the server machine.
    2. Create a folder called "sharedfolder" in the server machine.
    3. Share the folder using the following command:

      "NET SHARE sharedfolder=C:\sharedfolder /GRANT:Everyone,FULL"

    4. Visit this page from another computer in your network and click on "Download exe":

      "SecureGatewayServer.exe" will be downloaded.
    5. Copy "SecureGatewayServer.exe" to the folder "sharedfolder" created in step 2.

    6. In Windows Server core navigate to "sharedfolder" in command prompt and run the following command:


      An installation wizard will be launched.
    7. Click on "Install"
    8. Wait for the installation to complete.

    9. In the "Setting Up ME Secure Gateway Server" pop up, enter the Server name, the HTTPS port number, and the user's credential which has administrative privilege in the product's server, as shown below, and click on "Validate":

      Note: If the pop-up does not appear navigate to C:\ManageEngine\ME_Secure_Gateway_Server\bin\ using terminal and run "FSConfigure.bat"
    10. Choose the required ports and click on "Next":

    11. Wait for the installation to complete
    12. Click on "Finish"

    Click here for build number #90056 and below



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